- Creado por Francisco Blanquer Jaraiz el jun 22, 2022
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Fields | Type | Description | Purpose |
ID (subject identifier) | M | Preparation At Arrival | GRAMMAR |
subject name | M | PreparationAtArrival | GRAMMAR |
subject type | M | process | GRAMMAR |
Also known as | O | Operations; cargo operations; vessel operations; truck operations; train operations; cargo operations; port operations | TIC Description |
Definition | M | “TerminalOperations” is the process in which the terminal is loading, unloading or moving cargo. |
Further Detail | O | terminaloperations is consider “active” if the resources are in place ready to perform the activity (loading, unloading or moving cargo). The “start” will define the first time the process is active and the end the last time. During the terminal operations the process could be inactive because the resources are not in place (ie suspension of operations because high wind). Parent subject (process): if terminaloperations refers to a parent subject (process) then the content of terminaloperations only is related to direct interaction with the parent subject. e.g.: customs.terminaloperations: are all the terminal operations required to perform the customs process, from the yard to the customs. The customs activities itself are not included. cfs.terminaloperations: Container Freight Station is where cargo is taken for consolidation or deconsolidation and terminaloperations only includes the terminal service necessary to move the cargo to/from the CFS but not the CFS itself. carriervisit.terminaloperations: are the berth, rail and truck operations directly working with the carrier (i.e. the vessel, train or ext. truck). Horizontal transport or preparatory yard operation are not included. carriervisit.terminaloperations is a subprocess of CarrierVisit process:
Terminal Operations has some subprocess, not all of them mandatory but they belong to Terminal Operations. Preparation at arrival and closing at departure: Preparation and closing are necessary to execute the terminal operation, therefore they are included within terminal operations. Preparation and closing could be active before/after as they are preparatory/finalizing works. It is a preparatory/finalizing work before/after the terminal operations process start/ends and can be considered “active”. So preparation will always “start” before the terminal operations “start” and the closing will always “end” after terminal operations “end” because are activities that needs to be done before and after the terminal operations. Cargo Operations: are related only to the cargo move (cycle). Lashing: is only related to the terminal activities to secure the cargo. Considerations per Carrier type: Vessel:
| TIC Description |
Required Information | M | CarrierVisit id | TIC Description |
| carriervisit; preparationatarrival; cargooperations; lashing; closingatdeparture |
| id, name, active, inactive, idle, working, start, end |
Related standards | O |
| TIC Description |
Related TIC 4.0 definition | O | https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/3RUk3VuD Arrival https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=953319425&draftShareId=3fb991f2-f4df-40ac-a0ed-dd2d45bc9622 Departure | |
Example | M | carriervisit.start.time.output.actual = carrierisit.end.time.output.actual = | |
Example in the context of the grammar | M | ||
Link to one or more operational processes | M |
| |
Search tags | M | Operations; cargo operations; vessel operations; truck operations; train operations; cargo operations; port operations; terminal activities; load; discharge; unload; loading; discharging. | |
Version / Date | M | 2022.004 - 39/04/2022 | |
Internal TIC Version | M | 20220314 |
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Created by | Edited by | Review / Approve | Published |
Francisco Blanquer Jaraiz 2021-11-157 |
- Sin etiquetas