TIC 4.0
Cycle 2022.004
Francisco Blanquer Jaraiz
ICT Transport & Logistics (Unlicensed)
Luisa Kempf
Kalmar TIC delegates
Fields | Type | Description | Purpose |
Fields | Type | Description | Purpose |
ID (identifier) | M | cycle | GRAMMAR |
Subject Name | M | Cycle | GRAMMAR |
Subject Type | M | Process | GRAMMAR |
Also known as | O | CHE cycle; move; working cycle; working process | TIC Description |
Definition | M | A Cycle is a discrete (individual, separate and distinct) process designed (destinated) to move payloads from one location to another by a subject (che, tos, terminal, carrier, etc) | TIC Description |
Further Detail | O | CYCLE Start and End: A subject can execute cycles in parallel (many at the same time like a terminal with several STS) or in sequence (just one after the other like a classical CHE). The parallel cycles are built by several serial cycles. A serial cycle can also be built with several independent sub process running sequentially like a double trolley STS where a cycle can be started (trolley seaside) before the previous one is ended (trolley landside). The “basic cycle” is the one that only can be performed once the previous one has ended. Any other type of cycle is just an aggregation of these basic cycles (parallel or multiple independent sequential ones). This basic cycle is the most common one we can find. For example in the case of a CHE, the new CHE.CYCLE starts when the previous one has ended and not just when the CHE picked up the payload. The “parallel cycle” (several basic cycles working in parallel) is the most common in big systems like a “terminal” or a “yard” or a “gate” where several CHE are working in parallel. The cycle will have the “start” when the process to move the payload begins. This happens when the subject starts to execute the process to pickup the payload (usually when the che or terminal start to execute the process to pickup a cargo = unladen sub process of cycle as per definition below) and finishes when the subject delivers the payload (usually when the che or the terminal unlock or deliver the cargo to the carrier). CYCLE Aggregation The perimeter of the cycle aggregation always depends on the subject. The cycle of a subject is not the sum of all its sub-subject cycles. Therefore, the terminal.cycle.move.box is not the sum of all its che.cycle.move.boxes. The simplest example is a CHE with just a basic cycle, which has only one trolley and one spreader. The che.cycle and the che.spreader.cycle or the che.trolley.cycle are the same as there is only one spreader and one trolley. Only for this case the sum of the trolley cycle is the same as the che cycle. If the subject contains various cycles, it is not basic. Then, to build the subject cycle, only the cycles of some sub-subjects need to be aggregated. Example: To calculate the terminal.cycle.move.box (ended) all che.cycle.move.box (loading) of any machine that is loading a carrier (vessel, truck, train etc.) have to be aggregated. This means that only the sub-subject in charge of the subject.cycle.move “end” process must be added, in the case of the terminal this are the machines that load the carriers. In the case of a multi trolley CHE,the trolley that loads the carrier or CHE (discharging the land trolley, and loading the sea trolley) needs to be added. CYCLE Payload Payload includes any relevant payload: cargo, special moves, cages, twist lock boxes, hatch covers, etc. If it is required to filter by a specific payload, this can always be done. Also the specific value of subject.cycle.move.counter (box, teu, etc) can be added. CONCEPT's for CYCLE: A cycle can also have a link with other subjects like cargo, cargo visit, carrier, and carrier visit. This link can be made one-to-many (1:n) with an array of subject ids. Example: if a cycle has moved one container the relation between cycle and container can be expressed as follows: "cargo": [
"timestamp": "2021-09-27T08:17:03.471Z",
"id": "ISO 6346"
CHE.CYCLE On & Off The che.cycle is the cycle performed by a CHE. So the subject has the ability to turn ON and OFF. Due to this particularity it is considered that the process to move payloads will always start with the turn ON of the CHE and end with the turn OFF of the CHE. Therefore the serial basic CYCLE starts when the subject turns ON or the previous cycle ended and a CYCLE ends when the subject turns OFF or finishes the job it was designed for (safely unlock the payload that has been moved). It could happen that a cycle does not move anything, because the subject just turns ON and then OFF. A CYCLE is a process “designed” to move a payload. In some cases, the cycle does not necessarily have to move a payload. When there is a payload involved in the cycle, this cycle will have a move.box/teu/etc (=1), if there is no payload involved then this cycle will have a move.value (=1) but without any payload value move.box/teu/etc (=0) Laden and Unladen subprocesses of a cycle The “basic cycle” always has two sub processes, one with cargo that represents the Laden sub process and another without cargo that represents the Unladen sub process. Usually the “basic cycle” (not starting or finishing with an OFF status) will start with the start (beginning) of the unladen sub process and finish with the end of Laden sub process. An unladen cycle just describes the basic cycle process of a subject (normally a CHE) performed without a payload(s). A laden cycle describes the basic cycle process of a subject (normally a CHE) with a payload(s). The Laden and Unladen sub process also have and start and end. See diagram below for more details.
Terminal.Cycle The terminal.cycle is the cycle performed by a terminal. The terminal.cycle refers to the process of receiving and delivering payloads from/to different carriers on the waterside or landside. The terminal.cycle starts and ends as follows, depending if the process is unloading or loading:
Terminal.Berth.Cycle The terminal.berth.cycle is the cycle performed by the subject berth. The terminal.berth.cycle refers to the process of receiving and delivering cargo from/to different carriers on the waterside. The terminal.berth.cycle starts and ends as follows depending if the process is unloading or loading:
Terminal.Yard.Cycle The terminal.yard.cycle is the cycle performed by the process subject yard. The terminal.yard.cycle refers to the process of receiving and delivering cargo from/to yard stock area to/from different transfer points (on the waterside or landside). The che.type SC will perform the process directly from the yard to the berth transfer zone the horizontal transport cycle will not exist (same for gate) The terminal.yard.cycle starts and ends as follows, depending if the process is unloading or loading:
The terminal.yard.cycle is always a process that “move” the cargo into/out the yard. For internal “cargo move” the 2022.005 release will include it. (terminal.yard.housekeeping) Terminal.Gate.Cycle The terminal.gate.cycle is the cycle performed by the gate. The terminal.gate refers to the process of gate in, loading-unloading cargo and gate out of carriers visiting the terminal (external trucks or inter terminal operations). There is a relationship between the Terminal.Gate sub process and the process of Carriervisit (https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/aqf4ZE2e) arrival (https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/T0sN2F1a), terminal operations (TerminalOperations), departure (Departure) and Cargovisit (https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/iR2kuiV1) inbound (Inbound), check-in (Check-In), check-out (Check-out), outbound (Outbound). The sub processes of the Terminal.Gate are the following:
The terminal.gate.cycle starts and ends as follows:
Terminal.Train.Cycle The terminal.train.cycle is the cycle performed by the train. The termianl.train.cycle refers to the process of receiving and delivering cargo from/to the train (to/from the transfer point or yard). The buffer operations close to train site are consider yard operations. Only if the cargo is loaded or unloaded from a train it is consider a train.cycle. The terminal.train.cycle starts and ends as follows:
terminal.horizontaltransport.cycle The terminal.horizontaltransport.cycle is the cycle performed by horizontal transportation. The terminal.horizontaltransport.cycle refers to the process of moving cargo from/to transfer points. The terminal.horizontaltransport.cycle starts and ends as follows:
TOS.CYCLE Pending, will be defined in coming releases | TIC Description |
Required Information | M | SUBJECT, CONCEPT; OBSERVED PROPERTY and VALUE | TIC Description |
| che; tos; terminal; berth; gate; rail |
| Id; loading; discharging; useful; unuseful; paid; unpaid; handling reason; move; load; start; end; energy; laden; unladen; active; inactive; idle; working. |
Related standards | O | TEU definition; Container definition; ISO 8601 | TIC Description |
Related TIC 4.0 definition | O | https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/3pujAL8E https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/uF2W63Ut https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/0X0Ad1XR Laden; Unladen; Paid; Unpaid; Useful; UnUseful; Single https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/0yoXXmak https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/rSFwbtAG https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/UXknxhhc; Hatchcover; Lashing cage; Breakbulk; Bundle; Gearbox; Chain; OHF; double Spreader; Double trolley; solid bulk; double Boom; Multi trolley. | TIC Description |
Example | M | see below diagrams and draws | TIC Description |
Example in the context of the grammar | M | CHE.CYCLE
TOS.CYCLE tos.terminal.cycle see TIC terminal example
https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/u708deV0 terminal.berth/yard/gate/train.cycle
tos.jobinstruction.cycle pending 2022.005 release.
Link to one or more operational processes | M | All cargo operation is related to cycle. | TIC Description |
Search tags | M |
| Technical |
Version / Date | M | 2022.003 / 15.01.2022 2021.002 / 19.10.2021 | Technical |
Internal TIC Version | M | 20211213 | Technical |
M = Mandatory
O = Optional
"msg": {
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"sender": "",
"timestamp": "2021-12-13T14:44:36.028Z",
"topic": "",
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"creationtimestamp": "2021-12-13T14:44:36.028Z",
"starttimestamp": "2021-12-13T14:44:36.028Z",
"endtimestamp": "2021-12-13T14:44:36.028Z",
"version": "2021.1"
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"name": "",
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"handlingreason": "",
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"timestamp": "2021-12-13T14:44:36.028Z",
"starttimestamp": "2021-12-13T14:44:36.028Z",
"endtimestamp": "2021-12-13T14:44:36.028Z",
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"timestamp": "2021-12-13T14:44:36.028Z",
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"timestamp": "2021-12-13T14:44:36.029Z",
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"timestamp": "2021-12-13T14:44:36.029Z",
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"starttimestamp": "2021-12-13T14:44:36.029Z",
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"timestamp": "2021-12-13T14:44:36.029Z",
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"id": "ISO 6346"
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"timestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.043Z",
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"timestamp": "",
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"starttimestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.044Z",
"endtimestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.044Z",
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"starttimestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.044Z",
"endtimestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.044Z",
"timestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.044Z",
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"starttimestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.044Z",
"endtimestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.044Z",
"timestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.044Z",
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"starttimestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.044Z",
"endtimestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.044Z",
"timestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.044Z",
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"timestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.044Z",
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"timestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.044Z",
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"unit": "second",
"timestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.072Z",
"value": 0
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"timestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.072Z",
"value": 0
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"value": 0
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"value": 0
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"timestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.073Z",
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"timestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.073Z",
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"pomt": "actual",
"unit": "hour",
"timestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.073Z",
"value": 0
"cargo": [
"timestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.073Z",
"id": "ISO 6346"
"cargovisit": [
"timestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.073Z",
"id": ""
"carrier": [
"timestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.073Z",
"id": ""
"carriervisit": [
"timestamp": "2022-04-21T15:32:11.073Z",
"id": ""
(optional) add some process diagram which concept belongs
“Basic” CHE Cycle process
(optional) add some draws to explain the concept
Standard STS examples
| Single move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=1 |
| Twin move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=2 |
| Tandem move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=2 |
| Quad move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=4 |
| Hatchcover move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.hatcover=1 |
| Lashing cage move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.lashingcage=1 |
| Breakbulk move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.breakbulk=1 |
| Bundle move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.breakbulk=4 |
| Gearbox move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.gearbox=1 |
| Chain move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.breakbulk=1 |
| OHF move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.ohf=1 |
Other cranes examples
| Double spreader move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=3 |
| Double trolley move (double hoist with buffer and backreach trolley) che.cycle.move.counter.value=6 che.cycle.move.counter.box=4 note: 2 cycle waterside trolley+4 cycles backreach trolley (single)=6 cycles |
| Double trolley move (double hoist with buffer) che.cycle.move.counter.value=7 che.cycle.move.counter.box=5 note: 2 cycle waterside trolley +5 backreach trolley (single)=7 cycles (independent) |
| Double trolley move (with buffer) che.cycle.move.counter.value=5 che.cycle.move.counter.box=6 note: 2 waterside trolley (tandem)+3 backreach trolley (quad)= 5 cycles |
| Solid bulk Bivalve Grab che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.breakbulk=1 che.cycle.move.volume.value=6 (m3) |
| Solid/liquid/gas with pipeline che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.breakbulk=1 che.cycle.move.volume.value=600 (m3) Note: it requires starttimestamp & endtimestamp |
| Double boom double trolley move che.cycle.move.counter.value=4 che.cycle.move.counter.box=4 note: 1+1+1+1 = 4 cycles (independent) |
| Double trolley (first continuous) move (with buffer) che.cycle.move.counter.value=2 che.cycle.move.counter.box=1 note: 1+1=2 cycles (independent) |
Horizontal transport examples
| Terminal Tractor single move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=1 |
| Terminal Tractor double move (2 deliveries in same place) che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=2 Each TT cycle ends when RTG attach each container |
| Terminal Tractor double move (2 deliveries) che.cycle.move.counter.value=2 che.cycle.move.counter.box=2 Each TT cycle ends when each RTG attach the container |
Yard examples
| Yard single move in che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=1 |
| Yard double move in che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=2
Created by | Edited by | Review / Approve | Published |
Christopher Saavedra | Christopher Saavedra @Kalmar TIC delegates | @Francisco Blanquer Jaraiz 20/10/2021 @Luisa Kempf 23/12/2021 | 26/10/2021 |
| Christopher Saavedra @Kalmar TIC delegates 13/12/2021 |
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