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ID (subject identifier)




subject name




subject type




Also known as


boom-up, after operations

TIC Description



ClosingAtDeparture is a process by which a subject (usually a terminal) after ending the cargo operations, facilitates the Carrier with the departure from the berth or transferpoint or landside. and prepares the terminal for the start of cargo operations.

 TIC Description

Further Detail


ClosingAtDeparture is a process that belongs TerminalOperations and is related to every departure of any carriervisit process. ie CHE Boom up, drive (gantry), boom down, warm up, etc. It also includes the necessary activities (cycles) to allow the cargo operation. ie twistlocks boxes, hatch covers, lashing cage, drive (gantry) boom down, etc.

ClosingAtDeparture is considered “active” if the resources are in place and are ready to perform the activity related (boom up, boom down, loading, unloading, driving).

During the TerminalOperations the process could be inactive because the resources are not in place (e.g. suspension of operations due to high wind, resources not available).

carriervisit.terminaloperations.closingatdeparture is a subprocess of TerminalOperations process:

  • carriervisit.terminaloperations.closingatdeparture “start”event happens when the last cargo move is completed (che.cycle.end) by all assigned CHE related to a specific carrier visit. and initiates the process to get the terminalberthreadyfordeparture allowing the carriervisit departure process to take place.

  • carriervisit.terminaloperations.closingatdeparture “end” event happens when the terminal is “firsttimeterminalberthreadyfordeparture”

Preparation at Arrival and Closing at Departure belong to Terminal Operations: Preparation and closing are necessary to execute the terminal operation, therefore they are included within terminal operations. Preparation and closing could be active before/after as they are preparatory/finalizing works. It is a preparatory/finalizing work before/after the terminal operations process start/ends and can be considered “active”. So preparation will always “start” before the terminal operations “start” and the closing will always “end” after terminal operations “end” because these are activities that needs to be done before and after the terminal operations.

Carrier Visit vs CHE Preparation at Arrival and Closing at Departure considerations:

Several CHE and lashing processes may participate at the same time in a Terminal Operations. The Carrier Visit Preparation at Arrival or Closing at Departure always includes any kind of lashing or che.cycle activity (usually without cargo cycle.moves) moving hatchcovers, twistlock boxes, boom-up/boom-down, drive) or some times just a cycle.move with cargo but with a lot of idle time waiting for the arrival. Terminal Operations, Cargo Operations, Preparation at Arrival and Closing at Departure are always linked to a CHE or Lashing process.

In the example Preparation at Arrival will start with the start of the che.@1.cycle necessary to do the boom-up, with a lot of idle time and until the end with the first cycle.move with cargo. The Closing at Departure will start with the end of the che.@1.cycle of the last cargo move, and will contain a che.@1.cycle without cargo and some lashing activies. The cargo operations will start with the start of the che.@3.cycle with the first cargo, but later the che.@3 will jump to another Carrier Visit Cargo Operation.

Considerations per Carrier type:


  • carriervisit.terminaloperations.closingatdeparture.start event happens when the last cargo move is completed (che.cycle.end) by all assigned CHE related to a specific carrier visit, usually last cargo move (cargo unlocked) of the last STS or MC working on the related vessel visit (carriervisit), with the the aim of get the “TerminalBerthReadyForDeparture”.

  • carriervisit.terminaloperations.closingatdeparture.end happens when the terminal confirms that all CHE that participate in the vessel visit keep free of the berth area for manoeuvring the vessel (boom up or drive away) and the lashing operations ends (FirstTimeTerminalBerthReadyForDeparture).


  • carriervisit.terminaloperations.closingatdeparture.start happens when the last cargo move of the truck visit ends (che.cycle.end) unlocking the cargo.

  • carriervisit.terminaloperations.closingatdeparture.end happens when the last CHE working on the truck takes the spreader away to allow the move of the truck. Some transfer zones have extra restrictions like fences or barriers, for this cases the end happens when these barriers are released allowing the truck to drive.


  • carriervisit.terminaloperations.closingatdeparture.start happens when the last cargo move of the train visit ends (che.cycle.end) unlocking the cargo and the cargo is locked.

  • carriervisit.terminaloperations.closingatdeparture.end happens when the terminal confirms that all CHE that participate in the train visit keep free the rail area for moving the train and the rail pin operations (lashing) ends (FirstTimeTerminalBerthReadyForDeparture).

TIC Description

Required Information


CarrierVisit id

TIC Description



carriervisit; preparationatarrival; cargooperations; lashing; closingatdeparture




id, name, active, inactive, idle, working, start, end


Related standards



TIC Description

Related TIC 4.0 definition


https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/3RUk3VuDhttps://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/H6AHQTgPhttps://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/V7pHyb1Shttps://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/2dVQBRjY https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/T5XGh24c Cargo Operations Lashing



carriervisit.terminaloperations.preparationatarrival.start.time.output.actual =2021-11-15T15:14:01.352Z

visit.terminaloperations.preparationatarrival..end.time.output.actual =2021-11-16T15:14:01.352Z

Example in the context of the grammar


Link to one or more operational processes



Search tags


Operations; cargo operations; vessel operations; truck operations; train operations; cargo operations; port operations; terminal activities; load; discharge; unload; loading; discharging.

Version / Date


2022.005 - 01/10/2022

Internal TIC Version



 Haz clic aquí para ampliar...
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Created by

Edited by

Review / Approve


  Francisco Blanquer Jaraiz 2021-11-157







  • Sin etiquetas