TIC 4.0
Fields | Type | Description | Purpose |
ID (Concept identifier) | M | move | GRAMMAR |
Concept Name | M | Move | GRAMMAR |
Concept Type | M | move | GRAMMAR |
Also known as | O | cycle; boxes; load; discharge; Container Move; work done; discharge, load. | TIC Description |
Definition | M | Move is the action of displacing a payload by a subject. | TIC Description |
Further Detail | O | Move it is a concept within the TIC 4.0 semantic (ontology) so it describes the action of a subject (usually the subject is the https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/0ZyiYd00 process). Move must refer to the subject which made the action (usually the subject that is performing the CYCLE process). Depending on the point of measurement of the process MOVE can refer to a cycle which already “started” (ended or not ended) or a cycle already “ended”. This is very relevant in long processes like a terminal.cycle.move where there could be a lot of cycle.move that have been started but not finished. Move can be associated with a continuous system-process (liquid bulk, gas, belt conveyor) or to a discrete system-process, being in that case necessary to consider cycles to describe the nature of the Move (single, multi or simultaneous). For some cycle processes running in parallel or serial like for terminal.cycle the “move” action might be conducted by more than one subsubjects (several CHEs). | TIC Description |
| #cycle (process) |
| POM: #input;#output POMT: #schedule; #planning; #estimated; #actual; #performed POMP: (Point of Measurement Process) represents if the value refers to a process that has been initiated or completed. #started; #ended
| #counter; #totalcounter; #volume; #distance |
Value |
Related standards | O | TEU definition; Container definition; ISO 8601 | TIC Description |
Related TIC 4.0 definition | O | https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/BYG0RbF1 https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/uF2W63Ut] https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/0X0Ad1XRo Laden; Unladen; Paid; Unpaid; Useful; UnUseful;Single] https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/0yoXXmak]https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/rSFwbtAG)https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/UXknxhhc0; Hatchcover; Lashing cage; Breakbulk; Bundle; Gearbox; CHain; OHF; double Spreader; Doule trolley; solid bulk; double Boom; Multitrolley | TIC Description |
Example | M | See below | TIC Description |
Example in the context of the grammar | M | che.cycle.move {
"msg": {
"id": "",
"sender": "",
"timestamp": "2021-08-30T14:20:39.029Z",
"topic": "",
"destination": "",
"creationtimestamp": "2021-08-30T14:20:39.029Z",
"starttimestamp": "2021-08-30T14:20:39.029Z",
"endtimestamp": "2021-08-30T14:20:39.029Z",
"version": "2021.2"
"che": [
"id": "",
"cycle": [
"id": "",
"move": {
"counter": [
"pom": "output",
"pomt": "actual",
"timestamp": "2021-08-30T14:20:39.029Z",
"starttimestamp": "2021-08-30T14:20:39.029Z",
"endtimestamp": "2021-08-30T14:20:39.029Z",
"value": 1,
"box": 1,
"teu": 2,
"20foot": 0,
"30foot": 0,
"40foot": 1,
"45foot": 0,
"single": 1,
"twin": 0,
"double": 0,
"tandem": 0,
"quad": 0,
"hatchcover": 0,
"lashingcage": 0,
"breakbulk": 0,
"bundle": 0,
"gearbox": 0
"totalcounter": [
"pom": "output",
"pomt": "actual",
"timestamp": "2021-08-30T14:20:39.030Z",
"value": 0,
"box": 0,
"teu": 0,
"20foot": 0,
"30foot": 0,
"40foot": 0,
"45foot": 0,
"single": 0,
"twin": 0,
"double": 0,
"tandem": 0,
"quad": 0,
"hatchcover": 0,
"lashingcage": 0,
"breakbulk": 0,
"bundle": 0,
"gearbox": 0
"volume": [
"pom": "output",
"pomt": "actual",
"timestamp": "2021-08-30T14:20:39.030Z",
"unit": "m3",
"value": ""
} | TIC Description |
Link to one or more operational processes | M | Any CHE load or discharge operation. | TIC Description |
Search tags |
| Technical |
Version / Date | M | TIC_Q3_2021 / 30.08.2021 | Technical |
Internal TIC Version | M | definition technical group/1st revision semantic | Technical |
M = Mandatory
O = Optional
(optional) add some draws to explain the concept
Standard STS examples
| Single move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=1 |
| Twin move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=2 |
| Tandem move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=2 |
| Quad move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=4 |
| Hatchcover move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.hatcover=1 |
| Lashing cage move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.lashingcage=1 |
| Breakbulk move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.breakbulk=1 |
| Bundle move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.breakbulk=4 |
| Gearbox move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.gearbox=1 |
| Chain move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.breakbulk=1 |
| OHF move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.ohf=1 |
Other cranes examples
| Double spreader move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=3 |
| Double trolley move (doble hoist with buffer and backreach trolley) che.cycle.move.counter.value=6 che.cycle.move.counter.box=4 note: 2 cycle waterside trolley+4 cycles backreach trolley (single)=6 cycles |
| Double trolley move (double hoist with buffer) che.cycle.move.counter.value=7 che.cycle.move.counter.box=5 note: 2 cycle waterside trolley +5 backreach trolley (single)=7 cycles (independent) |
| Double trolley move (with buffer) che.cycle.move.counter.value=5 che.cycle.move.counter.box=6 note: 2 waterside trolley (tandem)+3 backreach trolley (quad)= 5 cycles |
| Solid bulk Bivalve Grab che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.breakbulk=1 che.cycle.move.volume.value=6 (m3) |
| Solid/liquid/gas with pipeline che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.breakbulk=1 che.cycle.move.volume.value=600 (m3) Note: it requires starttimestamp & endtimestamp |
[1] | Double boom double trolley move che.cycle.move.counter.value=4 che.cycle.move.counter.box=4 note: 1+1+1+1 = 4 cycles (independent) |
[2] | Double trolley (first continuous) move (with buffer) che.cycle.move.counter.value=2 che.cycle.move.counter.box=1 note: 1+1=2 cycles (independent) |
Horizontal transport examples
| Terminal Tractor single move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=1 |
| Terminal Tractor double move che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=2 TT cycle ends when RTG attach both containers |
| Terminal Tractor double move (2 deliveries in same place) che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=2 Each TT cycle ends when RTG attach each container |
| Terminal Tractor double move (2 deliveries) che.cycle.move.counter.value=2 che.cycle.move.counter.box=2 Each TT cycle ends when each RTG attach the container |
Yard examples
| Yard single move in che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=1 |
| Yard double move in che.cycle.move.counter.value=1 che.cycle.move.counter.box=2
(optional) add some process diagram which concept belongs
[1] Konecranes https://www.konecranes.com/resources/next-generation-sts-cranes-provide-model-for-the-future
[2] Unknown author.
Created by | Edited by | Review / Approve | Published |
@Valenciaport Foundation | @Kalmar TIC delegates | @Francisco Blanquer Jaraiz 20/10/2021 | 26/10/2021 |
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