TIC 4.0
TIC4.0 Terminal Example 2021.002
To create a better understanding of the TIC4.0 semantics, we are using a very simple container terminal example as a reference. This will make sure, that everybody has the same business and business process in mind and can refer to the same examples when discussing the definitions and semantics. Complexity in any direction can be added to make sure the definitions fit for more detailed questions, for the high-level view and for similar operational situations or equipment being used.
General description
Our TIC4.0 Terminal is a typical TT → RMG terminal. It has a small quay with one berth and only one ship-to-shore crane (STS-1) with a twin spreader. The terminal operates with terminal tractors for the horizontal transport. It stacks the container with RMGs. It has two terminal tractors (TT-1 and TT-2) and one RMG (RMG-1). The RMG is also being used to interchange containers with trucks.
At the beginning of the first week, there are only 2 containers kept in the yard: BOX-1 and BOX-2
Once per week the terminal gets a vessel visit. The vessel name is CLARA. During the first vessel visit, BOX-3 is discharged from the vessel. Once per week one truck is coming (named MAX). The truck MAX is picking up BOX-1.
Let's first have a look, what is happening and when:
Week 1
Monday 9 AM: No vessel. no equipment is moving = no operation. Boxes in the yard = 2
Monday 12 PM: Vessel CLARA is mooring - the first line is secured. No operation. Boxes in the yard=2.
Monday 3 PM: Vessel CLARA mooring is completed. The vessel is ready to be worked on. STS-1 has moved to the right place to begin the loading and discharging. But nothing more will happen today.
Tuesday 9 AM: Vessel CLARA is ready to work. The terminal is ready to work. No operation. Boxes in the yard=2.
Tuesday 12:00 PM: STS-1 is discharging (in progress) BOX-3 from vessel CLARA. TT-1 is already in the right location to receive BOX-3.
Tuesday 12:10 PM: RMG-1 is discharging BOX-3 from TT-1 (discharging CLARA and loading TIC!Yard).
Tuesday 13:00 PM: RMG-1 hast just finished to load MAX (discharging TIC!Yard) with BOX-1
Tuesday 13:10 PM: MAX leaves the terminal with BOX-1
High-Level application of TIC4.0 Semantic
SUBJECTs names
Terminal: TIC!Terminal
Area: TIC!Yard
Berth: TIC!Berth-1
CHE Ship-to-shore crane: TIC!-STS-1
CHE Rail-mounted gantry crane: TIC!-RMG-1
CHE Terminal tractors: TIC!-TT-1, TIC!-TT-2
Service: FARAWAY
Servicevisit (Service FARAWAY Monday to Wednesday) = servicevisit.id= FARAWAY-TIC!Terminal-Mo-We
Carrier (Vessel): CLARA
Carriervisit (Vessel visit W1: CLARA Monday to Wednesday) = carriervisit.id = CLARA-TIC!Terminal-Mo-We-W1
Carrier (Trucks): MAX, MORITZ
Cycle : each discrete process designed to execute a job (usually move cargo) has an specific id but not name.
Cargo : for this example all cargo are containers.
The following concepts are required to describe the processes with a very high - level view:
Arrival.berthing.start (firstline)
Logical (location.logical)
Move (cycle.move)
Laden (cycle.laden)
pom : output (result, confirmation)
pomt (time) : Actual (realtime)
pomp (process) : started (process initiated but not necessarily completed); ended (process completed)
Application of TIC4.0 Semantic to process description
Week 1
Timestamp = Monday 09:00:00
No vessel. no equipment is moving = no operation. Boxes in the yard = 2
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-TT-2 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-TT-2 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| Cargo sum at TIC!-Yard (tos.cargo) (filter by location.logical=TIC!-yard) | size | box | Output; Actual; | 2 |
Timestamp = Monday 12:00:00
Vessel CLARA is mooring - the first line is secured. No operation. Boxes in the yard=2. No activity in the terminal.
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-TT-2 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-TT-2 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| Cargo sum at TIC!-Yard (tos.cargo) (filter by location.logical=TIC!-yard) | size | box | Output; Actual; | 2 |
| CLARA-TIC!-Mo-We-W1 (carriervisit) | Location | logical | Output; Actual; | TIC!-Berth1 |
| CLARA (carrier) | Location | logical | Output; Actual; | TIC!-Berth1 |
| berthing process of CLARA-TIC!Terminal-Mo-We-W1 (carriervisit.arrival) | active | status | Output; Actual; | true |
| berthing process of CLARA-TIC!Terminal-Mo-We-W1 (carriervisit.arrival) | start | time | Output; Actual; | 12:00:00 |
| berthing process of CLARA-TIC!Terminal-Mo-We-W1 (carriervisit) | carriersafetyaccesible | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| berthing process of CLARA-TIC!Terminal-Mo-We-W1 (carriervisit) | carrierreadytowork | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
Timestamp = Monday 15:00:00
Vessel CLARA mooring is completed. The vessel is ready to be worked on. STS-1 has moved to the right place to begin the loading and discharging. But nothing more will happen today - it is close of business, the terminal is not ready to work.
While moving STS-1 to the right place - Status at 14:40 (Instant message 2020-01-02 14:40:00)
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Location | Logical | Output; Actual; | TIC!-Berth -Bolard2 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Drive | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
After moving STS-1 to the right place - Closed message (agregated information) from 14:00:00 to 15:00:00 and created at 15:00:00
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value (hh:mm:ss) |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | On | Timer | Output; Actual; | 00:20:00 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Off | Timer | Output; Actual; | 00:40:00 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Drive | Timer | Output; Actual; | 00:15:00 |
| TIC!-STS-1_Spreader (che.spreader) | Unlocked | Timer | Output; Actual; | 00:60:00 |
| TIC!-STS-1_Spreader (che.spreader) | Locked | Timer | Output; Actual; | 00:00:00 |
| TIC!-STS-1_Spreader (che.spreader) | Locked | Counter | Output; Actual; | 0 |
Timestamp = Monday at 15:05:00
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-TT-2 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-TT-2 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
Cargo sum at TIC!-Yard (tos.cargo) (filter by location.logical=TIC!-yard) | size | box | Output; Actual; | 2 | |
| Vessel visit process of CLARA-TIC!Terminal-Mo-We-W1 (carriervisit) | carrierreadytowork | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| Vessel visit process of CLARA-TIC!Terminal-Mo-We-W1 (carriervisit) | terminalreadytowork | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
Timestamp = Tuesday 09:00:00
Vessel CLARA is ready to work. The terminal is ready to work. No operation. Boxes in the yard=2.
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
Cargo sum at TIC!-Yard (tos.cargo) (filter by location.logical=TIC!-yard) | size | box | Output; Actual; | 2 | |
| berthing process of CLARA-TIC!Terminal-Mo-We-W1 (carriervisit.arrival.mooring) | active | status | Output; Actual; | False |
| berthing process of CLARA-TIC!Terminal-Mo-We-W1 (carriervisit.arrival.mooring) | lastline | status | Output; Actual; | True |
| Vessel visit process of CLARA-TIC!Terminal-Mo-We-W1 (carriervisit) | carrierreadytowork | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| Vessel visit process of CLARA-TIC!Terminal-Mo-We-W1 (carriervisit) | terminalreadytowork | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
Timestamp = Tuesday 12:00:00 PM: STS-1 is discharging (in progress) BOX-3 from vessel CLARA. TT-1 is already in the right location to receive BOX-3.
Status at 12:00:00 (Instant message Tuesday 12:00:00)
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Location | Logical | Output; Actual; | TIC!-Berth -Bolard2 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Drive | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-STS-Spreader (che.spreader) | Locked | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-STS-Spreader (che.spreader) | Unlocked | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che) | Location | logical | Output; Actual; | TIC!-Berth1-Bolard2 |
| TIC!-TT-1 TT executing a “move” (che.cycle) | active | status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-TT-1 TT executing a “move” with cargo (che.cycle.laden) | active | status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle.cargo) | id | “metadata” | Output; Actual; | BOX-3-ISO 6346 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle.laden) | Start | time | Output; Actual; | 11:59:00 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle.end) | End | time | Output; Actual; |
| CLARA (carrier.cycle) | End | time | Output; Actual; | 11:59:00 |
While STS-1 is moving the container from the Vessel to the Terminal Tractor we create a Closed (aggregated) message from 11:50:00 to 12:00:00 (represent the last 10 minutes process)
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | On | timer | Output; Actual; | 00:10:00 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Off | timer | Output; Actual; | 00:00:00 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Drive | Timer | Output; Actual; | 00:00:00 |
| TIC!-STS-1_Spreader (che.spreader) | Unlocked | Timer | Output; Actual; | 00:09:00 |
| TIC!-STS-1_Spreader (che.spreader) | Locked | Timer | Output; Actual; | 00:01:00 |
| CLARA (carrier.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Ended | 1 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Started | 1 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Ended | 0 |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Started | 0 |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Ended | 0 |
TIC!Terminal “moves” (terminal.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Started; | 1 | |
TIC!Terminal “moves” (terminal.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Ended; | 0 |
Timestamp = Tuesday 12:01:00
STS-1 has “just” unlocked the spreader and left the container BOX-3 on the TT-1 from vessel CLARA. TT-1 now is loaded with a the container BOX-3.
Status at 12:01:00 (Instant message Tuesday 12:01:00)
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Location | Logical | Output; Actual; | TIC!-Berth -Bolard2 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Drive | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-STS-Spreader (che.spreader) | Locked | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-STS-Spreader (che.spreader) | Unlocked | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-TT-1 is running under the crane (che.on) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che) | Location | logical | Output; Actual; | TIC!-Berth1-Bolard2 |
| TIC!-TT-1 TT executing the next “move” (che.cycle) | active | status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-TT-1 TT executing a “move” with cargo (che.cycle.laden) | active | status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-TT-1 TT holds Box-3 (che.cycle.cargo) | id | “metadata” | Output; Actual; | BOX-3-ISO 6346 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle.cargo) | id | “metadata” | Output; Actual; | BOX-3-ISO 6346 |
| CLARA (carrier.cycle.end) | End | time | Output; Actual; | 11:59:00 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle.laden) | Start | time | Output; Actual; | 11:59:00 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle.end) | End | time | Output; Actual; | 12:01:00 |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che.cycle.laden) | Start | time | Output; Actual; | 12:01:00 |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che.cycle.end) | End | time | Output; Actual; |
While STS-1 is moving the container from the Vessel to the Terminal Tractor we create a Closed (aggregated) message from 11:50:00 to 12:01:00 (represent the last 11 minutes process)
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | On | timer | Output; Actual; | 00:11:00 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Off | timer | Output; Actual; | 00:00:00 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che) | Drive | Timer | Output; Actual; | 00:00:00 |
| TIC!-STS-1_Spreader (che.spreader) | Unlocked | Timer | Output; Actual; | 00:09:00 |
| TIC!-STS-1_Spreader (che.spreader) | Locked | Timer | Output; Actual; | 00:01:59 |
| CLARA (carrier.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Ended | 1 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Started | 1 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Ended | 1 |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Started | 1 |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Ended | 0 |
TIC!Terminal “moves” (terminal.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Started; | 1 | |
TIC!Terminal “moves” (terminal.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Ended; | 0 |
Timestamp = Tuesday 12:10:00
RMG-1 has “just” locked and lift the spreader with the BOX-3 of TT-1 from vessel CLARA.
Status at 12:10:00 (Instant message Tuesday 12:10:00)
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | Location | Logical | Output; Actual; | TIC!Yard-B01 |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | Drive | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-RMG-1-Spreader (che.spreader) | Locked | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-RMG-1-Spreader (che.spreader) | Unlocked | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-TT-1 is running under the RMG (che.on) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che) | Location | logical | Output; Actual; | TIC!Yard-B01 |
| TIC!-TT-1 TT executing the next “move” (che.cycle) | on | status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-TT-1 TT executing a “move” with cargo (che.cycle.laden) | on | status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-TT-1 TT holds a cargo (che.cycle.cargo) | id | “metadata” | Output; Actual; |
| TIC!-RMG-1 moving a cargo (che.cycle.cargo) | id | “metadata” | Output; Actual; | BOX-3-ISO 6346 |
Cargo sum at TIC!-Yard (tos.cargo) (filter by location.logical=TIC!-yard) | size | box | Output; Actual; | 2 |
While RMG-1 is moving the container from the TT-1 to the Terminal Yard we create a Closed (aggregated) message from 11:50:00 to 12:10:00 (represent the last 20 minutes process)
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| CLARA (carrier.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Ended | 1 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Started | 1 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Ended | 1 |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Started | 1 |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Ended | 1 |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Started | 1 |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Ended | 0 |
TIC!Terminal “moves” (terminal.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Started; | 1 | |
TIC!Terminal “moves” (terminal.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Ended; | 0 |
Timestamp = Tuesday 12:12:00
RMG-1 has “just” unlocked and left BOX-3 of TT-1 from vessel CLARA into the yard
Status at 12:12:00 (Instant message Tuesday 12:12:00)
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | Location | Logical | Output; Actual; | TIC!Yard-B01 |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | Drive | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-RMG-1-Spreader (che.spreader) | Locked | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-RMG-1-Spreader (che.spreader) | Unlocked | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-RMG-1 moving a cargo (che.cycle.cargo) | id | “metadata” | Output; Actual; | BOX-3-ISO 6346 |
Cargo sum at TIC!-Yard (tos.cargo) (filter by location.logical=TIC!-yard) | size | box | Output; Actual; | 3 |
While RMG-1 unlock the Box-3 that discharge from the TT-1 to load the Terminal Yard we create a Closed (aggregated) message from 11:50:00 to 12:12:00 (represent the last 22 minutes process)
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| CLARA (carrier.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Ended | 1 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Started | 1 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Ended | 1 |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Started | 1 |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Ended | 1 |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Started | 1 |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Ended | 1 |
TIC!Terminal “moves” (terminal.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Started; | 1 | |
TIC!Terminal “moves” (terminal.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Ended; | 0 |
Timestamp = Tuesday 13:00:00
RMG-1 has “just” unlocked and left BOX-1 from the yard on the Truck MAX
Status at 13:00:00 (Instant message Tuesday 13:00:00)
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | Location | Logical | Output; Actual; | TIC!Yard-B01 |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | Drive | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-RMG-1-Spreader (che.spreader) | Locked | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-RMG-1-Spreader (che.spreader) | Unlocked | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-RMG-1 moving a cargo (che.cycle.cargo) | id | “metadata” | Output; Actual; | BOX-1-ISO 6346 |
| MAX (carrier.cycle.laden) | on | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| MAX (carrier) | location | logical | Output; Actual; | TIC!Yard-B01 |
Cargo sum at TIC!-Yard (tos.cargo) (filter by location.logical=TIC!-yard) | size | box | Output; Actual; | 2 |
Just when RMG-1 unlock the Box-1 that discharge from the yard to load the MAX truck we create a Closed (aggregated) message from 11:50:00 to 13:00:00
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| CLARA (carrier.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Ended | 1 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Started | 1 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Ended | 1 |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Started | 1 |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Ended | 1 |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Started | 2 |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Ended | 2 |
TIC!Terminal “moves” (terminal.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Started; | 1 | |
TIC!Terminal “moves” (terminal.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Ended; | 0 |
Timestamp = Tuesday 13:10:00
Truck MAX has “just” passed through the gate (out) with the BOX-1
Status at 13:10:00 (Instant message Tuesday 13:10:00)
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | On | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | Off | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | Location | Logical | Output; Actual; | TIC!Yard-B01 |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che) | Drive | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-RMG-1-Spreader (che.spreader) | Locked | Status | Output; Actual; | False |
| TIC!-RMG-1-Spreader (che.spreader) | Unlocked | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| TIC!-RMG-1 moving a cargo (che.cycle.cargo) | id | “metadata” | Output; Actual; | BOX-1-ISO 6346 |
| MAX (carrier.cycle.laden) | on | Status | Output; Actual; | True |
| MAX (carrier) | location | logical | Output; Actual; | TIC!Gate-G01 |
Cargo sum at TIC!-Yard (tos.cargo) (filter by location.logical=TIC!-yard) | size | box | Output; Actual; | 2 |
The moment MAX crossed the gate with the Box-1 we create a Closed (aggregated) message from 11:50:00 to 13:10:00
| SUBJECT | CONCEPT | OBSERVED PROPERTY | pom; pomt; pomp; | Value |
| CLARA (carrier.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Ended | 1 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Started | 1 |
| TIC!-STS-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Ended | 1 |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Started | 1 |
| TIC!-TT-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Ended | 1 |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Started | 2 |
| TIC!-RMG-1 (che.cycle) | Move | Box | Actual; Input; Ended | 2 |
TIC!Terminal “moves” (terminal.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Started; | 1 | |
TIC!Terminal “moves” (terminal.cycle) | Move | Box | Output; Actual; Ended; | 1 |
Between 11:50:00 and 13:10:00 the TIC!Terminal has performed very well:
STS-1 has moved 1 box,
TT-1 also has moved 1 Box
RMG-1 has moved 2 Boxes
but the TIC!Terminal only could finish 1 box! Well, TIC!Terminal has started 1 box and ended 1 box (sum terminal.cycle.move.box.started_and_ended = 2 Boxes). To achieve this result it had to make 4 che.cycles, moving a total of 4 boxes (sum of che.cycle.move.box).
Terminal berth has moved 1 box
Terminal gate has moved 1 box
TIC!Terminal has moved 1 box
This efficiency is not so bad, just to move 1 box! If you need to know anything about TIC40!Terminal you just have to combine any of the thousands values that defines your terminal virtual objects to get any information.
To be continued…. (TOS example pending)
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