Segment Group 7: LOC

TIC 4.0

Segment Group 7: LOC

A segment to identify a location or country related to the equipment, such as: -
stowage cell - (final) place/port of discharge - transhipment place - place of
delivery - country of origin/destination









Possible Codes

EDI SMDG data Element

EDI SMDG Component Element

EDI SMDG data name

"Human Name"

TiC Data Mapping

tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdischarge|metaelements|output|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 11
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdischarge|metaelements|output|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : placeofdischarge

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|planned|value: USCHS
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|ouput|actual|value: USCHS (if cargovisit is done in Charleston)

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|ouput|actual|codelistidentificationcode: 139
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|ouput|actual|codelistidentificationcodename: Port

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|ouput|actual|codelistresponsibleagencycode: 6
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|ouput|actual|codelistresponsibleagencycodename: UNLOCCODE

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|ouput|actual|locationname: CHARLESTON, SC

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationnamecode: WANDO

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcode: 72
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: containerterminal

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistresponsibleagencycode: ZZZ
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistresponsibleagencycodename: mutually defined

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationname: WANDO TERMINAL


 tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|.... (subject and concept for the rest of the codes)

tos|@|cargovisit|@|inbound|logical|output|actual|#qualifier#stowagecell|value = 0500284
tos|@|cargovisit|@|inbound|carrier|@|position|@|id|output|actual|value = 0500284


5 Place of departure
7 Place of delivery
8 Place of destination
9 Place/port of loading
11 Place/port of discharge
13 Place of transhipment
15 Place of transfer responsibility
33 Baseport of discharge
34 Baseport of loading
65 Final port or place of discharge
88 Place of receipt
98 Place of empty equipment despatch
147 Stowage cell
Required in case of loading report
154 Place/location of on-hire
155 Place/location of off-hire
170 Final port of discharge
171 Place of destination for pre-stacking prior to
175 Activity location



1 Place of terms of delivery
2 Payment place
4 Goods receipt place
5 Place of departure
7 Place of delivery
8 Place of destination
9 Place/port of loading
10 Place of acceptance
11 Place/port of discharge
12 Port of discharge
13 Place of transhipment
14 Location of goods
15 Place of transfer responsibility
16 Place of transfer of ownership
17 Border crossing place
18 Warehouse
19 Factory/plant
20 Place of ultimate destination of goods
21 Terms of sale place
22 Customs office of clearance
23 Port of release
24 Port of entry
25 Country
26 City
27 Country of origin
28 Country of destination of goods
29 Railway station
30 Country of source
31 Building
32 Beginning of chargeable section
33 Baseport of discharge
34 Baseport of loading
35 Country of exportation/despatch
36 Country of ultimate destination
37 Country of last consignment
38 Country of first destination
39 Country of production
40 Country of trading
41 Customs office of entry
42 Customs office of exit
43 Place of Customs examination
44 Place of authentication of document
45 Customs office of destination (transit)
46 Region of despatch
47 Region of destination
48 Region of production
49 Country of transit
50 Customs office of transit
51 Country of invalid transit guarantee
52 Country of destination (transit)
53 Charge and freight due from
54 Manufacturing department
55 Charges and freight payable to
56 End of chargeable section
57 Place of payment
58 Full track loading or unloading
59 Place of loss
60 Place of arrival
61 Next port of call
62 On-carriage port
63 Sub-project location
64 First optional place of discharge
65 Final port or place of discharge
66 Express railway station
67 Mixed cargo railway station
68 Second optional place of discharge
69 Next non-discharge port of call
70 Third optional place of discharge
71 Reconsolidation point
72 Fourth optional place of discharge
73 Bill of lading release office
74 Transhipment excluding this place
75 Transhipment limited to this place
76 Original port of loading
77 First port of call - non-discharging
78 First port of call - discharging
79 Place/port of first entry
80 Place of despatch
81 Fifth optional place of discharge
82 Pre-carriage port
83 Place of delivery (by on carriage)

84 Transport contract place of acceptance
85 Transport contract place of destination
86 Country of valid transit guarantee
87 Place/port of conveyance initial arrival
88 Place of receipt
89 Place of registration
90 Place/location where special treatments have happened
91 Place of document issue
92 Routing
93 Station of application of additional costs
94 Previous port of call
95 Sailing destination area
96 Place of lodgement of documents
97 Optional place of discharge
98 Place of empty equipment despatch
99 Place of empty equipment return
100 Place/port of warehouse entry
101 Country of first sale
102 Country of purchase
103 Place of transfer
104 Place of deconsolidation
105 Place of consumption
106 Region of origin
107 Place of consolidation
108 Rate combination point
109 Place of prolongation decision of delivery delay
110 Recharging place/location
111 Customs office of despatch
112 Region of equipment availability
113 Country of despatch
114 Customs office of export
115 Free zone of export
116 Region of export/despatch
117 Place of collection
118 Customs office of departure
119 Customs office of transit guarantee
120 Country of transhipment
121 Country of sale
122 Customs office of destination
123 Wagon-load railway station
124 Siding
125 Last place/port of call of conveyance
126 Country of previous Customs procedure
127 Customs office of registration of previous Customs
128 Participant sender location
129 Wage negotiation district
130 Place of ultimate destination of conveyance
131 Place of loading of empty equipment
132 Place of discharge of empty equipment
133 Region of delivery
134 Petroleum warehouse
135 Place of entry (Customs)
136 Living animals care place
137 Re-icing place
138 Weighting place
139 Marshalling yard
140 Stopping station
141 Loading dock
142 Port connection
143 Place of expiry
144 Place of negotiation
145 Claims payable place
146 Documentary credit available in
147 Stowage cell
148 For transportation to
149 Loading on board/despatch/taking in charge at/from
150 Container stack position
151 Private box
152 Next port of discharge
153 Port of call
154 Place/location of on-hire
155 Place/location of off-hire
156 Other carriers terminal
157 Country of Value Added Tax (VAT) jurisdiction
158 Contact location
159 Additional internal destination
160 Foreign port of call
161 Maintenance location
162 Place or location of sale
163 Direct investment country
164 Berth
165 Construction country
166 Donation acting country
167 Payment transaction country
168 Physical place of return of item
169 Relay port
170 Final port of discharge
171 Place of destination for pre-stacking prior to stowage
172 Reporting location
173 Transport contract place of despatch
174 Place of residence
175 Activity location
176 Pick-up location
177 Construction site
178 Port of embarkation
179 Port of disembarkation
180 Place of birth
181 Registered office
182 Place of incorporation
183 Place of business
184 Physical location
185 Location to send mail
186 Foreign registration location
187 Tax filed from location
188 Filing location
189 Former location
190 Head office
191 Property
192 Correct location
193 Branch location
194 Former registered location
195 Future location
196 Changed to location
197 Place of inquiry
198 Original location
199 Country of last source
200 Place of handling

+201 Country of origin as defined by transportation agency

+202 Terminal

+203 Sample location

+204 Hospital Advanced Dependency Unit (ADU)

+205 Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

+206 Hospital Paediatric Care Unit (PCU)

+207 Hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

+208 Hospital luxury room

+209 Hospital shared room

+210 Hospital private room

+211 Bidding area

+212 Price area

+213 Country of destination of equipment

+214 Aircraft airport stand

+215 Airport passenger terminal

+216 Previous berth

+217 Next berth

+218 Entity location



Location Function Code Qualifier

Function of location information which is described in the following information

 tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|.... (subject and concept for the rest of the codes)
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdischarge|metaelements|output|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 11
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdischarge|metaelements|output|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : placeofdischarge

tos|@|cargovisit|@|inbound|logical|output|actual|#qualifier#stowagecell|value = 0500284
tos|@|cargovisit|@|inbound|carrier|@|position|@|id|output|actual|value = 0500284



1001MC002 = header event; 119 discharge; 122 load

LOC+9 SEG3 3225 = always the one that publishes the COARRI, it is only used when a load is reported (122)

LOC+11 SEG7 3227 = discharge reported in segment 7

LOC+11 SEG3 3225 = always the one that publishes the COARRI, is only used when a discharge is reported (119)

LOC+9 SEG7 3227 = load reported in segment 7

If BGM 119 (Discharge Report)

If header event 1001MC002 = 119 discharge and if 3227 = 147 Stowage cell then
tos|@|cargovisit|@|inbound|logical|output|actual|#qualifier#stowagecell|value: 3225
tos|@|cargovisit|@|inbound|carrier|@|position|@|id|output|actual|value: 3225
tos|@|cargovisit|@|inbound|logical|metaelements|output|actual|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 147
tos|@|cargovisit|@|inbound|logical|metaelements|output|actual|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : stowagecell


IF header 1001 is 119 discharge and 3227 = 11 and 1131 is NOT 139 and LOC+11 SEG3 3225 is equal to LOC+11 SEG7 3225 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdischarge|output|actual....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 11
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : placeofdischarge


IF header 1001 is 119 discharge and 3227 = 11 and 1131 is NOT 139 and LOC+11 SEG3 3225 is NOT equal to LOC+11 SEG7 3225 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|nextplaceofdischarge|output|planned...
tos|@|cargovisit|@|nextplaceofdischarge|metaelements|output|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 11
tos|@|cargovisit|@|nextplaceofdischarge|metaelements|output|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : nextplaceofdischarge


IF header 1001 is 119 discharge and3227 = 11 and 1131 is 139 and LOC+11 SEG3 3225 is equal to LOC+11 SEG7 3225 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|output|actual....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 11
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : portofdischarge


IF header 1001 is 119 discharge and 3227 = 11 and 1131 is 139 and LOC+11 SEG3 3225 is NOT equal to LOC+11 SEG7 3225 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|nextportofdischarge|output|planned...
tos|@|cargovisit|@|nextportofdischarge|metaelements|output|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 11
tos|@|cargovisit|@|nextportofdischarge|metaelements|output|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : nextportofdischarge


IF header 1001 is 119 discharge and 3227 = 9 and 1131 is NOT 139 and LOC+11 SEG3 3225 is equal to LOC+11 SEG7 3225 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|previousplaceofload|output|performed...
tos|@|cargovisit|@|previousplaceofload|metaelements|output|performed|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 11
tos|@|cargovisit|@|previousplaceofload|metaelements|output|performed|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : previousplace


IF header 1001 is 119 discharge and 3227 = 9 and 1131 is NOT 139 and LOC+11 SEG3 3225 is NOT equal to LOC+11 SEG7 3225 and LOC+9 is equal to LOC+11 SEG3 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofload|output|planned....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofload|metaelements|output|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 11
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofload|metaelements|output|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : nextplaceofload


IF header 1001 is 119 discharge and 3227 = 9 and 1131 is NOT 139 and LOC+11 SEG3 3225 is NOT equal to LOC+11 SEG7 3225 and LOC+11 SEG3 is NOT equal to LOC+9 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|previousplaceofload|output|performed...
tos|@|cargovisit|@|previousplaceofload|metaelements|output|performed|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 11
tos|@|cargovisit|@|previousplaceofload|metaelements|output|performed|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : previousplace


IF header 1001 is 119 discharge and 3227 = 9 and 1131 is 139 and LOC+11 SEG3 3225 is equal to LOC+11 SEG7 3225 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|previousportofload|output|performed...
tos|@|cargovisit|@|previousportofload|metaelements|output|performed|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 11
tos|@|cargovisit|@|previousportofload|metaelements|output|performed|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : previousplace


IF header 1001 is 119 discharge and 3227 = 9 and 1131 is 139 and LOC+11 SEG3 3225 is NOT equal to LOC+11 SEG7 3225 and LOC+9 is equal to LOC+11 SEG3 (header) then tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofload|output|planned.... (planned to load by the one that reports).
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofload|metaelements|output|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 11
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofload|metaelements|output|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : nextplaceofload


IF header 1001 is 119 discharge and 3227 = 9 and 1131 is 139 and LOC+11 SEG3 3225 is NOT equal to LOC+11 SEG7 3225 and LOC+9 is NOT equal to LOC+11 SEG3 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|previousportofload|output|performed...
tos|@|cargovisit|@|previousportofload|metaelements|output|performed|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 11
tos|@|cargovisit|@|previousportofload|metaelements|output|performed|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : previousplace


If BGM 122 (Loading Report)

If header event 1001MC002 = 122 load and if 3227 = 147 Stowage cell then
tos|@|cargovisit|@|outbound|logical|output|actual|#qualifier#stowagecell|value: 3225
tos|@|cargovisit|@|outbound|carrier|@|position|@|id|output|actual|value: 3225
tos|@|cargovisit|@|outbound|logical|metaelements|ouput|actual|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 147
tos|@|cargovisit|@|outbound|logical|metaelements|output|actual|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : stowagecell


IF header 1001 is 122 load and 3227 = 9 and 1131 is NOT 139 and LOC+9 SEG3 3225 is equal to LOC+9 SEG7 3225 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofload|output|actual....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofload|metaelements|output|actual|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 9
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofload|metaelements|output|actual|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : placeofload

IF header 1001 is 122 load and 3227 = 11 and 1131 is NOT 139 and LOC+9 SEG3 3225 is NOT equal to LOC+11 SEG7 3225 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|nextplaceofdischarge|output|planned...
tos|@|cargovisit|@|nextplaceofdischarge|metaelements|output|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 11
tos|@|cargovisit|@|nextplaceofdischarge|metaelements|output|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : placeofdischarge

IF header 1001 is 122 load and 3227 = 9 and 1131 is 139 and LOC+9 SEG3 3225 is equal to LOC+9 SEG7 3225 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofload|output|actual....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofload|metaelements|output|actual|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 9
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofload|metaelements|output|actual|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : portofload

IF header 1001 is 122 load and 3227 = 11 and 1131 is 139 and LOC+9 SEG3 3225 is NOT equal to LOC+9 SEG7 3225 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|nextportofdischarge|output|planned...
tos|@|cargovisit|@|nextportofdischarge|metaelements|output|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 11
tos|@|cargovisit|@|nextportofdischarge|metaelements|output|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : portofdischarge

IF header 1001 is 122 load and 3227 = 9 and 1131 is NOT 139 and LOC+9 SEG3 3225 is NOT equal to LOC+9 SEG7 3225 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|previousplaceofload|output|performed....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|previousplaceofload|metaelements|output|performed|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 9
tos|@|cargovisit|@|previousplaceofload|metaelements|output|performed|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : placeofload


if 3227 = 13 and 1131 is NOT 13 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeoftranshipment|....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeoftranshipment|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 5
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeoftranshipment|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : placeoftranshipment

if 3227 = 13 and 1131 is 13 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|portoftranshipment|....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portoftranshipment|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 5
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portoftranshipment|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : placeoftranshipment


if 3227 = 5 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdeparture|.... tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdeparture|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 5
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdeparture|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : placeofdeparture

if 3227 = 7 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdeliver|....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdeliver|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 7
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdeliver|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : placeofdeliver

if 3227 = 8 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdestination|....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdestination|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 8
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdestination|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : placeofdestination

if 3227 = 15 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeoftransferresponsibility|....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeoftransferresponsibility|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 15
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeoftransferresponsibility|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : placeoftransferresponsability

if 3227 = 33 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdischarge|....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdischarge|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 33
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofdischarge|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : baseportofdischarge

if 3227 = 34 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofloading|....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofloading|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier :34
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofloading|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : baseportofloading

if 3227 = 65 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|finalplaceofdischarge|....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|finalplaceofdischarge|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 65
tos|@|cargovisit|@|finalplaceofdischarge|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : finalplaceofdischarge

if 3227 = 88 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofreceipt|....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofreceipt|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 88
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofreceipt|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : placeofreceipt

if 3227 = 98 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofemptydespatch|....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofemptydespatch|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 98
tos|@|cargovisit|@|placeofemptydespatch|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : placeofemptyequipmentdespatch

if 3227 =  154 then tos|@|cargo|@|onhire|....
tos|@|cargo|@|onhire|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 154
tos|@|cargo|@|onhire|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : locationofon-hire

if 3227 =  155 then tos|@|cargo|@|offhire|....
tos|@|cargo|@|offhire|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 155
tos|@|cargo|@|offhire|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : locationofoff-hire

if 3227 =  170 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|finalportofdischarge|....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|finalportofdischarge|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 170
tos|@|cargovisit|@|finalportofdischarge|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : finalportofdischarge

if 3227 =  171 then tos|@|cargovisit|@|prestaking|....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|prestaking|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 171
tos|@|cargovisit|@|prestaking|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : placeofdestinationforpre-stackingpriortostowage

if 3227 =  175 then tos|@|cargovisit|location|....
tos|@|cargovisit|@|location|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifier : 175
tos|@|cargovisit|@|location|metaelements|input|planned|locationfunctioncodequalifiername : activitylocation

For terminals and TOS the main reference is the cargovisit, but for a shipping line is the cargotrip. There is a link between cargotrip and cargo visit






Location Identification







Location name Code - UNLOCCODE

UNLOCCode for the location or Stowage location (ISO format BBBRRTT) (if e3227 = 147)

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|ouput|actual|value: USCHS

UNLOCCode for the location see 3227 ...|metaelements|ouput|actual|value|: 3225
if e3227 = 147 Stowage location (ISO format BBBRRTT)


139 - Port



Code list identification code 

Kind of the location

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|ouput|actual|codelistidentificationcode: 139
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|ouput|actual|codelistidentificationcodename: Port
see 3227 ...|logical|ouput|actual|codelistidentificationcode : 1131 (139)
see 3227 ...|logical|ouput|actual|codelistidentificationcodename : 1131 (Port) 


5 ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
6 - UN /ECE 



Code list responsible agency code 


tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|ouput|actual|codelistresponsibleagencycode: 6
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|ouput|actual|codelistresponsibleagencycodename: UNLOCCODE
see 3227 ...|metaelements|ouput|actual|#qualifier#ISO/UNLOCCODE|codelistresponsibleagencycode : 1131 (5 / 6)
see 3227 ...|metaelements|ouput|actual|#qualifier#ISO/UNLOCCODE|codelistresponsibleagencycodename : 1131 (ISO / UNLOCCODE) 





Location Name

Free Text Port Name

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|ouput|actual|locationname: CHARLESTON, SC

see 3227 and if 3055 = 5 ...|metaelements|ouput|actual|#qualifier#ISO|locationname|: 3224
see 3227 and if 3055 = 6 ...|metaelements|ouput|actual|#qualifier#UNLOCCODE|locationname|: 3224












First related location name code

Individual location code (f|e| "terminal code")

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationnamecode: WANDO

see 3227 ...|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationnamecode: 3223



72 Container terminal
261 Consignee's premises
262 Consignor's premises
263 Packing and/or unpacking facility
264 Storage facility
265 Repair facility
266 Marine berth
267 Marine wharf
268 Gate
269 Warehouse



Code list identification code 

Which kind of location

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcode: 72
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: containerterminal

see 3227 ...|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcode: 1131 (72 / 261 / 262 / 263 / 264 / 265 / 266 / 267 / 268 / 269)
see 3227 ...|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: 1131 (containerterminal / consigneespremises / consignorspremises / packingandorunpackingfacility / storagefacility / rapairfacility / marineberth / martinewharf / gate / warehouse)

see 3227 and if 1131 = 72 ... containerterminal

see 3227 and if 1131 = 261 ..|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: consigneespremises
see 3227 and if 1131 = 262 ...|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: consignorspremises
see 3227 and if 1131 = 263 ...|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: packingandorunpackingfacility
see 3227 and if 1131 = 264 ...|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: storagefacility
see 3227 and if 1131 = 265 ...|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: repairfacility
see 3227 and if 1131 = 266 ...|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: marineberth
see 3227 and if 1131 = 267 ...|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: marinewharf
see 3227 and if 1131 = 268 ...|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: gate
see 3227 and if 1131 = 269 ...|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: warehouse


9 - EAN (International Article Numbering association)
184 - AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping)
SMD - SMDG (Shipplanned Message Development Group)
ZZZ - Mutually defined



Code list responsible agency code 


tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistresponsibleagencycode: ZZZ
tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodelistresponsibleagencycodename: mutually defined

see 3227 ...|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcode: 3055 (9/184/SMD/ZZZ)
see 3227 ...|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationcodename: 3055 (EAN/ AU /SMDG / mutuallydefined)





First related location name, free text

location name 

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationname: WANDO TERMINAL

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|firstrelatedlocationname: 3222 (free text)












Second related location name code

Individual location code (f|e| "terminal code")

no example

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|secondrelatedlocationnamecode: 3233


72 Container terminal
261 Consignee's premises
262 Consignor's premises
263 Packing and/or unpacking facility
264 Storage facility
265 Repair facility
266 Marine berth
267 Marine wharf
268 Gate
269 Warehouse



Code list identification code 

Which kind of location

no example

see 3227 ...|metaelements|output|actual|secondrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcode: 1131 (72 / 261 / 262 / 263 / 264 / 265 / 266 / 267 / 268 / 269)
see 3227 ...|metaelements|output|actual|secondrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: 1131 (containerterminal / consigneespremises / consignorspremises / packingandorunpackingfacility / storagefacility / rapairfacility / marineberth / martinewharf / gate / warehouse)

see 3227 and if 1131 = 72 ... containerterminal

see 3227 and if 1131 = 261 ..|metaelements|output|actual|secondrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: consigneespremises
see 3227 and if 1131 = 262 ...|metaelements|output|actual|secondrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: consignorspremises
see 3227 and if 1131 = 263 ...|metaelements|output|actual|secondrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: packingandorunpackingfacility
see 3227 and if 1131 = 264 ...|metaelements|output|actual|secondrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: storagefacility
see 3227 and if 1131 = 265 ...|metaelements|output|actual|secondrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: repairfacility
see 3227 and if 1131 = 266 ...|metaelements|output|actual|secondrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: marineberth
see 3227 and if 1131 = 267 ...|metaelements|output|actual|secondrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: marinewharf
see 3227 and if 1131 = 268 ...|metaelements|output|actual|secondrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: gate
see 3227 and if 1131 = 269 ...|metaelements|output|actual|secondrelatedlocationcodelistidentificationcodename: warehouse


9 - EAN (International Article Numbering association)
184 - AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping)
SMD - SMDG (Shipplanned Message Development Group)
ZZZ - Mutually defined



Code list responsible agency code 


no example

see 3227 ...|metaelements|output|actual|secondrelatedlocationcodelistresponsibleagencycode: 3055 (9 / 184 / SMD / ZZZ)
see 3227 ...|metaelements|output|actual|secondrelatedlocationcodelistresponsibleagencycodename: 3055 (EAN / AU /SMDG / mutuallydefined)





Second related location name, free text

location name 

no example

tos|@|cargovisit|@|portofdischarge|metaelements|output|actual|secondrelatedlocationname: 3222 (free text)

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