"Maintenance" ensuring "Health"

TIC 4.0

"Maintenance" ensuring "Health"


Data has emerged as a disruptive force across various industries. It is rapidly transforming the industry while modifying the way to perceive and understand the business. The Ports and Terminals industry is also following this path. Our industry is in the midst of this long journey of creating added value to the data. Maintenance plays a critical role in ensuring the smooth operation of equipment and infrastructure, and is no exception.

The Terminal Industry Committee 4.0 (TIC4.0) aims to foster the development and adoption by the industry of common process semantics which enables the seamless and standardized data exchange among port equipment, digital platforms and other port terminal assets, thus advancing towards ‘plug & play’ solutions that can easily be deployed at port terminals.

TIC4.0 is a powerful language that can represent any reality that takes place at any cargo handling terminal in digital format. This language is managed in a Data Set, which is basically a one-dimensional database list. This list is not static and is continuously growing as we are working on more and more segments involved in terminals.

In this publication, we’ll define how the data set looks in order to represent maintenance processes.

The Importance of “Health” in Port Terminals

The Definition of 'Health' in the Context of Ports and Terminals

In the previous publication 2023.008, we described the necessity to break down the concept healthy into two different silos. CHE health and Maintenance.

Health as a subject is reflecting the condition of a physical or unphysical source to achieve the job it is designed for in its working environment. This information is given through the concept healthy.

How Healthy you are is not only defined by the internal signals that are processed. Healthy can also be determined by external inputs, like visual inspections, oil analysis or any maintenance activity. Any of these external actions will also have an impact on global health.

In theory, we can say that health is good for any source from the moment you have no internal or external alert.

Ex: my tyre ‘health’ is ok.

The reason why the tyre is okay is not only due to the fact you are not receiving any error from the pressure sensor but also because you know that the maintenance has been done, and there is no pending action on this tyre. It is important to notice here that external actions like maintenance could affect health.

It remains obvious that if the tyre’s health is affected, then the machine’s performance is affected. From a larger point of view, health not only affects operational performance but has also an impact on various areas such as safety and cost.

From this statement, it is crucial to increase our visibility and have the correct transparency level regarding all of the external processes that can decrease the health level of the different assets. Keeping health at the right level means keeping the business operability at the right level.

The Integral Role of Maintenance

Maintenance is a cornerstone of industrial operations, ensuring the health, efficiency, and longevity of equipment and processes. In the industrial context, maintenance is not just a routine task, it's a strategic imperative for preventing disruptions and optimizing performance.

Regular maintenance, including inspections, lubrication, and component replacement, prevents breakdowns, reduces downtime, and extends the lifespan of equipment.

In TIC 4.0 semantics, Maintenance as a subject could be summed up as an action taken to keep the health of an asset at the original level. It can be broken down into different segments depending on the level of the performed action and/or the time when this action is performed. We then have:

  • Corrective maintenance groups all the actions taken after a detected issue. Corrective maintenance can also be split up into:

    • Diagnosis when teams are investigating a problem,

    • Repair when it comes to the time to organize the work around a problem in order to resolve such and let the asset achieve what it is designed for,

  • Preventive maintenance groups all the actions that must be done during the lifetime of the asset at a specific time and according to a specific sequence,

  • Predictive maintenance is more advanced and based upon specific measurements to decide if we have to go for a corrective action that can be planned. It aims to optimize the maintenance schedule and reduce downtime by detecting faults before a problem happens.

All those types of actions need to be addressed to different actors, according to different specialities, along the lifetime of the asset.

All the maintenance tasks need to be processed accordingly in order to maintain the health level and the ‘Just-in-time maintenance practices’ help to prevent stockouts, bottlenecks, and delays.

The asset management system (AMS) organizes maintenance activities, it includes complex maintenance sequences and deals with people and spares. It manages all maintenance operational processes from planning to execution. The maintenance process usually starts with a work order that is associated with an asset and includes a task sequence. Typically, the AMS is dispatching those tasks to the respective crews.

An AMS today is not coming with a powerful BI or KPI module that could represent a first approach to AI. It is in that context that TIC will organize and structure a data model for maintenance.

The more we structure and optimize the maintenance process, the more chance we have to ensure good business continuity. Maintenance is the backbone of equipment and infrastructure health.

The Maintenance/asset Data Model

TIC4.0 proposal

Digitalization enables real-time monitoring of equipment and processes.
With data sensors and IoT technology, maintenance teams can receive immediate alerts, enabling swift response to issues, reducing downtime, and preventing costly breakdowns. The CHE Health data model answers that point and allows us to bring visibility to another level.

We commit to digitalize the maintenance activities to empower our knowledge of the equipment and to anticipate downtime in the most accurate way. The Asset/Maintenance data model surrounds the communication and collaboration in maintenance processes while fostering a better representation of the collaborative and sequenced operations.

New subjects, concepts and observed properties are mandatory to express the reality of every maintenance process. The data model is multivariable. Let’s have a look at the different components to be included.

AMS - Assets/Management Data model hierarchy

Data model type

Data model element


Data model type

Data model element




The Id of the maintenance operation.



Part of the workorder. Usually many for one workorder. It sequences and organizes the maintenance operation to be realized.



The one who does the maintenance task operation.


Workorder list

Tag associated to the workorder, actor or asset that allows to great groups.



The action of investigating about one issue.



The action of following a specific sequence to control if the output of a control is the one expected.



The action of doing an operation to keep a component running the same way.



The action of fixing the problem.



The action of additional tasks in order to have a better/different output/service.



In the industrial sector, maintenance is not a choice but a strategic necessity. It is the key to ensuring the health and efficiency of processes, machinery, and equipment. Through preventive and predictive maintenance, safety and regulatory compliance, and the optimization of efficiency and productivity, maintenance contributes to the overall success of industries. This proactive approach to maintenance is an investment in the health and sustainability of industrial processes, leading to increased competitiveness and reduced operational risks in a dynamic and competitive industrial landscape.

The digitalization of maintenance processes is a critical step towards enhancing visibility and transparency in today's complex and data-driven industrial landscape. Real-time monitoring, data-driven decision-making, streamlined work orders, and increased accountability are just a few of the advantages that digital tools bring to maintenance operations. Ultimately, this transformation not only leads to more efficient maintenance processes but also improves asset management, reduces costs, and ensures compliance with regulations. Embracing digitalization is not merely a choice; it is a strategic imperative for businesses looking to thrive in a transparent, data-centric and competitive environment.

References and Additional Resources

(base and not limited to ISO 13306)

The Importance of Standardised Maintenance Terminology in the Creation of a Health Data Model for the Port and Terminal Ecosystem

By embracing standardised maintenance terminology, the port and terminal ecosystem stands to gain a unified perspective. This approach not only streamlines communication but also ensures that data—when fed into the Health Data Model—reflects a consistent, industry-wide understanding. In this context, adopting standardized terminologies isn't just a matter of semantics—it's a strategic imperative.

Understanding ISO 13306

ISO 13306, titled 'Maintenance – Maintenance terminology', stands as one of the seminal works in the realm of maintenance standards. Published by the International Organization for Standardization, this document serves as a comprehensive repository of terms, definitions, and concepts associated with maintenance activities. Crafted with meticulous care, ISO 13306 aims to be more than just a glossary; it is designed as a foundation upon which industries can build a shared understanding, enabling efficient communication, documentation, and collaboration.

Why ISO 13306 is Important for Ports and Terminals

  1. Complexity & Diversity: The ports and terminals sector is characterized by a vast range of machinery, equipment, and systems, each with its unique maintenance requirements. ISO 13306 offers a universal language, ensuring that whether it's a gantry crane in Shanghai or a conveyor system in Rotterdam, the maintenance terms employed are standardized and universally understood.

  2. Inter-port Collaboration: As global trade continues to grow, ports and terminals increasingly find themselves engaged in collaborative initiatives, partnerships, and shared ventures. A standardized maintenance terminology, as provided by ISO 13306, ensures seamless communication and understanding across these collaborations, removing ambiguities.

  3. Facilitating Technological Integration: The sector is rapidly integrating advanced technologies—AI, IoT, and predictive analytics to name a few. A standard terminology ensures that these technological solutions, developed anywhere in the world, can be easily integrated and understood across the ports and terminals spectrum.

  4. Enhancing Safety & Efficiency: Misunderstandings in maintenance can lead to safety risks and operational inefficiencies. With a standardized set of terms, the chances of such misinterpretations are minimized, leading to safer and more efficient port operations.

The Need for a Unified Maintenance Language

 As the global trade ecosystem expands and evolves, the ports and terminals industry finds itself at a pivotal juncture. At the heart of this evolution is the need for a standardized language for maintenance. Just as a lingua franca facilitates communication among people of different native languages, a unified maintenance language can bridge the divides of disparate terminologies, promoting clarity, efficiency, and cohesion. This chapter delves into the challenges posed by diverse terminologies and underscores the imperative for a unified approach.

Key Maintenance Terminologies and Definitions

Maintenance, while a common term, carries profound implications in the context of operations, safety, and asset longevity. ISO 13306, in its expansive scope, sheds light on a multitude of maintenance-related terms, each carrying distinct nuances. This chapter seeks to elucidate these terminologies, offering clarity and context for better understanding and application.

Basic Concepts

  • Maintenance: The combination of all technical, administrative, and managerial actions during an item's life cycle intended to retain it in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform its required function.

  • Asset: An item, thing, or entity that has potential or actual value to an organization. In the context of maintenance, it often refers to machinery, infrastructure, or equipment that requires upkeep to ensure optimal performance.

  • Life Cycle: The series of changes that an asset undergoes from the time it is conceptualized until it is decommissioned or disposed of. It encompasses design, production, operation, maintenance, and eventual disposal or replacement.

Types of Maintenance

Maintenance activities are diverse and tailored to suit specific situations, assets, or operational needs. ISO 13306 provides a comprehensive classification, ensuring that professionals across the board have a clear and unified understanding. This section delves deeper into the varied types of maintenance, with a particular focus on the nuances within corrective, preventive, and predictive maintenance categories.

Extract from ISO 13306 Annex A (informative) Maintenance – Overall views Figure A.1 — Maintenance types

The diagram provides a graphical representation of different maintenance methodologies, grouped by their nature and timing. Let's break down each segment:

  1. Maintenance:

    • Represents the overarching category that all these strategies and methodologies fall under.

 Then we differentiate maintenance actions based on whether there's a change in the inherent reliability features of an equipment/system.  A Change of intrinsic dependability characteristics leads to:

  1. Improvement:

    • Refers to proactive actions taken to enhance the performance or reliability of a system or equipment, even if it's functioning correctly.

 No change of intrinsic dependability characteristics leads to:

  1. Preventive maintenance

Maintenance tasks are performed to prevent potential failures, usually performed while the equipment is still operating correctly.

  • Predetermined maintenance:

Tasks are performed at preset intervals or after a fixed duration, regardless of the equipment's current condition.

  • Condition-based maintenance:

Maintenance tasks are based on the real-time condition or performance of the equipment.

(1)Predictive maintenance:

Utilizes data and prognostic tools to predict when a failure might occur and schedules maintenance accordingly.

(2)Non-predictive Condition-based maintenance:

Based on observed degradation but without forecasting future degradation or failure.

For both cases (1) and (2)

If degradation is observed:

Active Preventive maintenance :

Proactive maintenance tasks based on the condition of the equipment, are performed to actively prevent further degradation.           

If no degradation is observed:

No maintenance action:

Represents scenarios where no proactive or reactive maintenance is deemed necessary. This could be because the equipment is in its expected state of health or the degradation is within acceptable limits.


  1. Corrective maintenance

Reactive tasks are undertaken after a failure or fault has occurred.

  • Immediate Corrective Maintenance:

Urgent actions are taken immediately after a fault or failure is detected.

  • Deferred Corrective Maintenance:

Planned corrective actions are scheduled for a later time, usually when the fault isn't critical.

Overall, the diagram offers a holistic view of maintenance strategies, from proactive measures taken before any sign of failure to reactive measures employed post-failure. The detailed categorization allows for a clearer understanding of when each strategy should be employed and its associated criteria.

Maintenance Definitions

Maintenance types


Maintenance types



Maintenance is defined as the "combination of all technical and associated administrative actions during the life cycle of an item intended to retain it in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform the required function." This definition encompasses a broad range of activities that aim to ensure that equipment, machinery, or any other item continues to function as intended or is brought back to its operational state when it deviates from its required performance.

Improvement Maintenance

Maintenance carried out to improve the intrinsic dependability characteristics of an item, without changing its required functions."

This refers to activities undertaken to enhance the inherent reliability, availability, maintainability, or safety of an item without altering its primary functions.

Preventive Maintenance

"Maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals or according to prescribed criteria and intended to reduce the probability of failure or the performance degradation of an item."

PM is proactive in nature, aiming to prevent failures or reduce the likelihood of failures by performing maintenance activities at set intervals or based on specific conditions or criteria.

Corrective Maintenance

"Maintenance carried out after fault recognition and intended to put an item into a state in which it can perform a required function."

This type of maintenance is reactive, taking place after a failure or fault has been detected. The goal of corrective maintenance is to restore the item's ability to perform its intended function.

Mapping ISO 13306 Terms to Ports and Terminal Operations

Equipment and Machinery

Ports and terminals heavily rely on a variety of specialized equipment and machinery such as cranes, loaders, forklifts, and tugs. The maintenance strategies and terminologies defined in ISO 13306 can be directly applied to these assets.

  • Cranes (Gantry, Quay, Mobile): For these critical pieces of equipment, a mix of predictive and preventive maintenance strategies can be ideal. The real-time health monitoring (condition-based) and regular maintenance checks (preventive) ensure minimal downtime and enhanced safety.

  • Loaders and Forklifts: Being smaller but highly utilized equipment, employing a schedule of regular preventive maintenance along with corrective maintenance, as required, can ensure constant availability and operational readiness.

  • Automated and Manual Tugs: These vehicles, critical for moving containers, might best utilize condition-based and predictive maintenance to anticipate failures due to their constant, rigorous use.


Infrastructure in ports and terminals includes docks, storage facilities, conveyor systems, and the overall transportation infrastructure like roadways and rail lines.

  • Quay infrastructure: Regular preventive maintenance is crucial for docks to avoid any structural failures. However, given their exposure to harsh environmental conditions, condition-based maintenance strategies might also be required.

  • Storage Facilities: These facilities might largely depend on preventive maintenance strategies but could also benefit from condition-based approaches, especially for climate control systems or automated storage systems.

  • Transportation Infrastructure: Roads and rail lines within the port area might require a different approach. While preventive maintenance is necessary, employing predictive techniques can be beneficial in managing the large area and preventing disruptions in operations.

Operational Context

Applying ISO 13306 in real-world scenarios helps clarify its practical implications:

  • Scenario 1: Emergency Crane Repair (Corrective Maintenance): A breakdown in one of the quay cranes demands immediate attention. Utilizing corrective maintenance, the maintenance team swiftly responds to repair the fault, following the ISO 13306 terminology to accurately report and analyze the incident for future prevention.

  • Scenario 2: Regular Dock Inspection (Preventive Maintenance): Scheduled inspections of docks to check for wear, corrosion, or other potential failures fall under preventive maintenance. These activities, planned as per a predetermined schedule, help in maintaining continuous and safe operations.

  • Scenario 3: Predictive Analytics for Conveyor Systems (Predictive Maintenance): By fitting sensors and using AI algorithms, the health of conveyor belts and motors can be continuously monitored. Analyzing this data helps predict potential failures before they occur, ensuring minimal impact on cargo handling operations.

  • Scenario 4: Tugboats' Engine Performance Monitoring (Condition-Based Maintenance): Implementing sensors to monitor engine performance and wear enables a condition-based maintenance approach. Maintenance teams can act when data shows the engine's condition deviating from the norm, preventing breakdowns and loss of operational capacity.

Synergies between Standardized Maintenance Language and the Maintenance data model

  • Consistency in Data Representation: Utilizing ISO 13306 terminologies in the HDM establishes a consistent language for data representation. This consistency is crucial for accurate data analysis, benchmarking, and reporting across different systems and operations within the port ecosystem.

  • Enhanced Predictive Analytics: With standard terminologies, the predictive analytics embedded within the HDM can more effectively interpret data patterns and predict potential maintenance needs or equipment failures, thereby preempting costly downtime and ensuring operational continuity.

  • Facilitating Data Integration: Using a standardized maintenance language simplifies the integration of data from various sources (e.g., equipment sensors, operational logs, maintenance records). This harmonization is vital for creating a comprehensive view of asset health and performance.

  • Uniformity Across Different Assets and Systems: By adopting a universal language, the health and status of diverse assets — ranging from cranes and vehicles to infrastructure like docks and storage facilities — can be uniformly assessed and compared.


Mapping the terminologies and strategies of ISO 13306 to the specific contexts of port and terminal operations clarifies how these guidelines can be practically employed. This mapping ensures that the maintenance of equipment, machinery, and infrastructure is managed effectively, contributing to smoother, safer, and more efficient port operations.

 The integration of ISO 13306 maintenance terminology with the proposed Maintenance Data Model (MDM) for ports and terminals is a critical step in ensuring a cohesive, efficient, and effective approach to asset management. This integration aims to leverage the standardization benefits of ISO 13306 to enhance the clarity, usability, and reliability of the MDM.


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