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ID (Concept identifier)




Concept name


Queuing to Deliver


Concept type




Also known as


Waiting with cargo near the point of work, standing in line with cargo, waiting with cargo, waiting for equipment with cargo, waiting laden, At Yard to Deliver (AYTD), At Vessel to Deliver (AVTD)

TIC Description



Within the order of moving a cargo, time spent in the destination position of the container, waiting till the container is ready to be dropped.Concept (status) that describes the action to wait for the interlocks or sequence made by the subject (CHE) that is going to perform an order type cargo between the Moving to Deliver and Ready to Deliver activities and it is already in proximity of the “laden end location”, but didn’t reach it yet

TIC Description

Further Detail


This stage starts when the che arrives at the destination of the container, and ends when the container is drop or unloaded.

  • STS Load:  If the STS do not stop to release the container this time can be avoided. If need to wait when arrive to the position because the container position is locked, or whatever reason, this time will be input here.

  • STS Discharge: If the STS do not stop to release the container this time can be avoided. If need to wait for the Truck to arrive, or cannot enter in the transfer zone or plaform, this time will be input here.

  • TT Load: Time while the truck is waiting in the QC queue or lane, till the container unloaded from the truck.

  • TT Discharge: Time while the truck arrives to the yard position to deliver the container, till the container is unloaded from the platform.

  • RTG: If the RTG do not stop to release the container this time can be avoided. If need to wait when arrive to the position because the truck is not there, the transfer zone is used, or whatever reason, this time will be input here.

  • Strad: If the Strad do not stop to release the container this time can be avoided. If need to wait when arrive to the position because the transfer zone is used, the position is not available, the truck did not arriverd or whatever reason, this time will be input here

    Queuing To Deliver is true between the moment the subject reaches the queuing (geofence) area and the moment the subject reaches the “laden end location” (the final position of the cargo for the cycle process included in the order, usually called drop location). This queuing area is usually next to the laden end location and must be defined by the terminal. The subject (CHE) will usually be idling (idle) within this area but in case it is not necessary to wait for any interlock then it could be just working and queuing will not last.

    The start of Queuing To Deliver is the end of the Moving to Deliver activities and the end is just when the CHE is Ready to Deliver for the first time.

    The Queuing To Deliver state is not mandatory and it may happen that it does not exist for a certain terminal, jumping from Moving To Deliver to Ready to Deliver.

    Specific cases, from the equipment point of view:

    • STS: The Ship-to-shore spreader stays (idle or working) with cargo (locked spreader) within a safe area, after the Moving To Deliver activity, where it can wait for the carrier or any other interlock. Usually, this area is over the land-side portal beam for back-reach operations and the seaside portal beam for between-lane operations. An STS with two trolleys could be performing two job-stepping steps at the same time, so we recommend defining the subject by trolley and not by CHE.

    • TT/AGV: The Terminal Tractor or the AGV stays (idle or working) with cargo (slot locked) within a safe area, after the Moving To Deliver activity, where it can wait for another CHE or any other interlock. Usually, this area is next to the transfer area.

    • RTG/RMG/ARMG/ASC: The gantry crane or the ASC stays (idle or working) with cargo (locked) within a safe area, after the Moving To Deliver activity, where it can wait for a carrier or TT/AGV or any other interlock. Usually, this area is over the first row next to the truck lane or transfer area or wagon but may be different for loading or discharging operations.

    • SC/SHC: The Strad or Shuttle Carrier stays (idle or working) with cargo (locked) within a safe area, usually next to the location in the yard or transfer zone where it has to stop with the cargo for queuing in case it doesn't have access or needs to wait for an interlock.

    TIC Description

    Required Information



    TIC Description



    order; che,




    pom: output

    pomt: actual, estimated




    status, duration, counter, totalcounter, timer, totaltimer, distancestarttimestamp, endtimestamp






    Related standards


    TIC Description

    Related TIC 4.0 definition

    O To Collect Queuing To Collect Ready to Collect Collect Deliver Moving To Deliver Queuing to Deliver Ready to Deliver

    TIC Description



    A message from the TOS which confirms the job-step status of the terminal truck 01 from the perspective of the order, che and driver:

    tos.@.jobinstruction.@.order.@2343.movingtocollect.status.output.actual.value: FALSE.

    tos.@.jobinstruction.@.order.@2343.queuingtocollect.status.output.actual.value: FALSE

    tos.@.jobinstruction.@.order.@2343.readytocollect.status.output.actual.value: FALSE

    tos.@.jobinstruction.@.order.@2343.movingtodeliver.status.output.actual.value: FALSE

    tos.@.jobinstruction.@.order.@2343.queuingtodeliver.status.output.actual.value: TRUE

    tos.@.jobinstruction.@.order.@2343.readytodeliver.status.output.actual.value: FALSE TT01


    Optionally the information could be duplicated under the “che” subject. If there are a lot of elements in the che array and subsequently in the same message then it is recomended to use the array identification after the “id”

    tos.@.che.@TT01.movingtocollect.status.output.actual.value: FALSE

    tos.@.che.@TT01.queuingtocollect.status.output.actual.value: FALSE

    tos.@.che.@TT01.readytocollect.status.output.actual.value: FALSE

    tos.@.che.@TT01.movingtodeliver.status.output.actual.value: FALSE

    tos.@.che.@TT01.queuingtodeliver.status.output.actual.value: TRUE

    tos.@.che.@TT01.readytodeliver.status.output.actual.value: FALSE

    TIC Description

    Example in the context of the grammar


    Image Added

    TIC Description

    Link to one or more operational processes


    All the jobinstructions “type” cargo move.

    TIC Description

    Search tags


    #waiting #geofence


    Version / Date


    2023.007 - 25/0302/2023


    Internal TIC Version




    M = Mandatory

    O = Optional

    Introduction to concept type “job-stepping”:

    The concepts type job-stepping describes a status (what does or is the subject) related only to concepts (action) that “moves” cargo. The objective of this type of concept is to define what type of activity the CHE is doing to move the cargo. There are 6 basic sub processes to perform a move:

    • Moving to Collect

    • Queuing to Collect

    • Ready to Collect

    • Moving to Deliver

    • Queuing to Deliver

    • Ready to Deliver

    All the steps are optional and would depend on the order. For one specific order, only one Job-stepping concept can be “true” at the same time.


    TT order job stepping for Vessel load - 4 job steps example


    TT order job stepping for Vessel discharge- 6 job steps example, geofence available

    The (instruction to execute a sequence of steps) is the natural subject of the job-stepping, so we will include by default the concepts for each step under “order” but these concepts can be used with other subjects like CHE, user, cargo, etc.

    Image Added

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    nameTIC40 DATA Model 2023.0073 Assigned.txt
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    nameTIC40 DATA Model 2023.0073 Assigned.json


    Created by

    Edited by

    Review / Approve


     Francisco Blanquer Jaraiz 2023-02-16

     Francisco Blanquer Jaraiz 2023-02-27