Fields | Type | Description | Purpose |
ID (subject identifier) | M | lashing | GRAMMAR |
subject name | M | Lashing | GRAMMAR |
subject type | M | process | GRAMMAR |
Also known as | O | securing, fastening, unlashing, unsecuring | TIC Description |
Definition | M | Lashing is a sub-process of TerminalOperations by which a subject (usually the terminal’s personnel) or carrier (ship’s personnel) performs the operation to secure/unsecure cargo on the carrier, that belongs to a CarrierVisit process. |
Further Detail | O | Lashing is considered “active” if the resources are in place ready to perform the activity (lashing or unlashing the cargo) The “start” will define the first time the process is active and the end the last time. During the terminal operations the process could be inactive because the resources are not in place (ie suspension of operations because of high wind). carriervisit.terminaloperations.lashing is a subprocess of TerminalOperations process:
Lashing and CargoOperations: Lashing may be performed in parallel to CargoOperations by securing single parcels of cargo before completion of the overall cargo operation. Vessel:
| TIC Description |
Required Information | M | CarrierVisit id | TIC Description |
| carriervisit; preparationatarrival; cargooperations; lashing; closingatdeparture |
| id, name, active, inactive, idle, working, start, end |
Related standards | O |
| TIC Description |
Related TIC 4.0 definition | O | Lashing https:/wiki/spaces/ | |
Example | M | carriervisit.terminaloperations.lashing.start.time.output.actual = carriervisit.terminaloperations.lashing.end.time.output.actual = | |
Example in the context of the grammar | M | ||
Link to one or more operational processes | M |
| |
Search tags | M | Operations; cargo operations; vessel operations; truck operations; train operations; cargo operations; port operations; terminal activities; load; discharge; unload; loading; discharging; lashing; unlashing; securing, unsecuring | |
Version / Date | M | 2022.005 - 01/10/2022 | |
Internal TIC Version | M | 20220728 |