Spreader 2024.010

TIC 4.0

Spreader 2024.010






ID (subject identifier)




subject name




subject type




Also known as



TIC Description



Rigid device, designed to attach the cargo (mainly ISO containers of various sizes) to the lifting equipment using a locking mechanism.


Further Detail


Various configurations of the spreader exist such as fixed, telescoping length or telescoping width. Configurations currently include the following possibilities of lifting: one (single), two containers (one next to each other at the short side: twin), two containers (one next to each other at the long side: tandem). Further configurations do exist, but are yet not established in the market.

Additional tasks like handling WTP (Wide Top Pick) containers, side lifting , handling overheight frames, piggyback handling, man cages, gear boxes, hatch covers or lifting different payloads are possible.

The reference mark of a spreader shall be indicated on the long side or the short side of the spreader dependent on the operators view, if applicable.
The reference mark can be the type plate or any other kind of visible marking as long as it is defined in the technical documentation of the spreader. There must be only one reference mark used. For different operators view examples are provided below. This reference mark must be indicated for each CHE’s spreader.



Examples of orientation used for different types of CHE’s

STS Crane

Typically the reference mark on a STS spreader is placed on the long side of the spreader that is facing the landside.



Typically the reference mark on a reachstacker spreader is placed on the long side of the spreader that is facing the driver as a default.

Straddle carrier

Typically the reference mark on a straddle carrier spreader is placed on the short side of the spreader opposite the default driving direction.


Mobile Harbour crane (MHC)

Typically the reference mark on a MHC spreader is placed on the long side of the spreader that is facing the driver as a default.

Stacking cranes (RTG/RMG/ARMG/ASC/ARTG)
Typically the reference mark on a stacking crane spreader is placed on the long side of the spreader that is facing the operator cabin, if there is one available .


TIC Description

Required Information


Unique ID. Suggested to use manufacturer name + serial number

TIC Description



che; control; twistlock; landpin; lockpin; twinsystem




on; off; working; idle; size; size10foot; size20foot; size30foot; size40foot; size45foot; sizeisowidth; sizewtpwidth; single; twin; tandem; locking; unlocking; locked; unlocked; extending; retracting; extending_or_retracting; trim; trimleft; trimright; skew; skewcw; skewccw; landed; allflippersdown; anyflipperdown; allflippersup; lashingcage; list; listforward; listreverse; sideshift; sideshiftfrontleft; sideshiftfrontright; sideshiftrearleft; sideshiftrearright; trim_or_skew_or_list_or_sideshift; twingap; search; energy; weight;


Related standards


EN 15056

TIC Description

Related TIC 4.0 definition


https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/w1bzyox7 https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/uRA8GGe0 https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/dAL3JpKU https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/RxJYNX0v https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/JvmY5wyW https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/EujVWH4q https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/5B2ButcD https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/0BdHcHGw https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/E1hZjGPB https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/gnab1F7G https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/p0xq2T8v https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/6Q0PdU4z Tandem Quad




"che.@.spreader.@.single.status.output.actual.value": "true", = The spreader of container handling equipment is in single-lift operational mode.

"che.@.spreader.@.twin.status.output.actual.value": "true", = The spreader of the container handling equipment is in twin operational mode.

"che.@.spreader.@.retracting.status.ioutput.actual.value": TRUE = The spreader of the container handling equipment is performing an operation to reduce its size. Data comes from the feedback of the retracting actuator (e.g. hydraulic or electric motor).

"che.@.spreader.@.extending.status.ioutput.actual.value": TRUE = The spreader of the container handling equipment is performing an operation to extend its size. Data comes from the feedback of the extending actuator (e.g. pump or electric motor).

“che.@.spreader.@.locking.status.output.actual.value": TRUE = The container handling equipment is in the process of locking.

"che.@.spreader.@.locked.status.output.actual.value": TRUE = The spreader of the CHE has successfully locked all twistlock in order to safely lift the container.

"che.@.spreader.@.locked.status.input.actual.value": FALSE = There is no order to the spreader to keep it locked.

"che.@.spreader.@.unlocked.status.input.actual.value": TRUE = There is an order to the spreader to keep unlocked.

"che.@.spreader.@.locked.status.iinput.actual.value": TRUE = PLC still keep the order to locked.

"che.@.spreader.@.landed.status.input.actual.value": FALSE = The spreader is not landed, that is the reason the spreader cannot be unlocked.

"che.@.spreader.@.unlocking.status.output.actual.value": TRUE = The container handling eqp. is in the process of unlocking.

"che.@.spreader.@.unlocked.status.output.actual.value": FALSE= The container handling Equipment. is not ready to release the container. But this doesn't mean that all twistlocks are locked in order to safely lift the container.

"che.@.spreader.@.unlocked.status.input.actual.value": TRUE = the driver has push the signal to release the spreader.

"che.@.spreader.@.unlocked.status.iinput.actual.value": TRUE = PLC is giving the order to the twistlocks valve/motors to open

"che.@.spreader.@.landed.status.output.actual.value": FALSE = The container handling equipment is not landed on ISO corner castings so it is not ready/capable to lock or unlock all twistlocks according to the mode (single or twin lift).

"che.@.spreader.@.allflippersdown.status.ioutput.actual.value": TRUE = all flippers on the spreader is indicating that its in their down position.

"che.@.spreader.@.allflippersup.status.ioutput.actual.value": TRUE = all flippers on the spreader is indicating that its in their up position.


Example in the context of the grammar




Link to one or more operational processes


  Any CHE load or discharge operation.


Search tags


#spreader, #liftingdevice, #locking mechanism


Version / Date


2024.010 - 06/03/2024


Internal TIC Version


Created by Spreader TF


Created by

Edited by

Review / Approve


Hans Svanfeldt

  @Luisa Kempf


@Luisa Kempf








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