TIC 4.0
2022.006 Release
This publication TIC4.0 2022.006 contains the following topics:
“CHE talks TIC” - Guideline on how the include TIC in technical specifications: aims to support the technical clarification process between terminal operator and solution provider by providing a framework on how to structure and classify the available data points.
Carrier Visit: an extensive overview of the main events and processes along the carrier visit process, including a direct mapping to the timestamps defined by DCSA (Digital Shipping Association). In addition, the majority of events and processes are defined and published according to the TIC4.0 semantics.
Job Instruction: this is the most important process related to the TOS data model. It includes any order sent to any subject to execute any action over any object… basically, any kind of instruction to be executed. In this publication, the “Job Instruction Subject” and the “Job Instruction Object” are defined.
Spreader: this is the first set of definitions directly targeting the Spreader. It is an important set of definitions as the spreader is an important component in the whole process across all CHE, being constantly in contact with the container (cargo).
FLAT to JSON: in addition to the “JSON to FLAT” converter published in Release R2022.004 the principles of how to translate the dataset from the FLAT format into the JSON format is now being published. TIC4.0 developed and published an open-source software tool to automatically convert datasets from FLAT to JSON. The source code can be included in any program and is available via GitHub.
This publication adds to previous publications with “CHE talks TIC” with a very important guideline in making sure TIC4.0 becomes reality. It makes the procurement and specification process easier on all sides, as it offers a framework that can easily be applied and is a very good starting point to get an agreement.
Are you a terminal manager and you would like to implement TIC4.0 standards in your terminal, but your engineers, your IT department or your solution provider, vendor, or manufacturer tell you: it is too big, they do not know, what to focus on, there are too many data points available. And you just want to get them started? Then “CHE talks TIC” is the document you should look at! We structured the available Data Model into 4 Content Levels starting from very basic (Level 1) up to the full scope (Level 4). This will help you to make decisions and inform you what else needs to be considered when procuring a CHE, which “talks TIC”.
Are you an engineer and you have to specify, which TIC data shall be provided by the solution provider, vendor, or manufacturer? Then “CHE talks TIC” is the document you should look at! This provides a framework on how to structure and classify the available datapoints, when procuring a CHE, which “talks TIC”.
Are you a solution provider, vendor or manufacturer and you are convinced, that providing your equipment with a TIC interface, but just seems to be too overwhelming. Then “CHE talks TIC” is the document you should look at! We structured the available Data Model into 4 Content Level starting from very basic (Level 1) up to the full scope (Level 4). You could offer and market various "language levels” or you could support your customer by applying the principles defined in this document.
This publication adds to previous publications and also extends definitions of previous releases on one of the most important processes found in terminal operations: the Carrier Visit - which is the interaction of the terminal with the other parties in the logistics chain: vessel, truck, and train. In addition, the first set of definitions directly targeting the Spreader, a very important component in the whole process can be found. Job Instruction is extended and with the FLAT to JSON this publication provides the required step-by-step instructions (and an open-source conversion tool) to convert the data from the FLAT format to the JSON format. This is important for the implementation of the semantics especially when there is limited possibility for big messages.
These definitions are part of TIC4.0’s ongoing work to develop a common vocabulary for the cargo handling industry and will be followed by future releases, as defined by the TIC4.0 Dataset Roadmap. The current list of definitions being worked on can be accessed on the digital platform of TIC4.0. This publication release provides the actual definitions and includes them in the TIC4.0 templates with the general approach on how to use these in Data Models, Data Schema's, JSON formats and provides high-level scenarios as examples.
1. TIC 4.0 scope
The purpose of TIC4.0 is to define a common language that can be represented in an understandable format, including data and information elements suitable for digitalization.
With the definitions and language, any reality (equipment or process) in a port terminal environment can be uniquely described. The vocabulary needs to be valid for any equipment, process and protocol (digital or human) in any port terminal in any location. The typical elements that make up the port terminal activities are cargo handling equipment (any kind of machine within the terminal that performs a job or task), external vehicles (trucks, vessels, trains), terminal infrastructure (berth, yard, gate), or auxiliary elements (energy, light, refuelling…).
For data-driven terminal operations, the subject of standardization concerns the data and information elements linking the digital solutions to the physical equipment and hardware.
To achieve the above goal TIC4.0 has developed a Semantic set of rules based on human language which helps in the creation process of the definitions/vocabulary. The definitions/vocabulary can be considered as the building blocks and together with the TIC4.0 semantic rules, allow the user to describe any reality in a specific, unambiguous way, irrespective of the level of technology used in a terminal.
The vocabulary is managed in a Dataset, which is basically a one-dimensional database list. This list is not static and will grow exponentially as TIC4.0 continues to work on more and more segments and areas of a terminal.
The work of TIC4.0 is to define the individual entries of the Dataset/Dictionary, focusing on a logical group or theme. In the Dataset/Dictionary the user can see the status of each entry and which entries are published and a link to the definition is provided.
To apply the vocabulary in each entry in several digital protocols, a Data Schema is needed. TIC4.0 will propose a Data Schema for each of the most common protocols, but the Data Schema is compatible with any protocol. In the examples that are provided, TIC4.0 usually uses JSON as it is very user-friendly and easy to read.
2. Data Model
For the digital formatting of the Semantic and Dataset, we need a Data Model to structure the data and a Data Schema to define the details of the content such as the validity of the format, the type of data (boolean, entire, real etc.), which data is mandatory or could be omitted etc.
The Dataset has been defined based on the RDF Resource Description Framework using the subject->predicate->object schema.
Following the semantic web standard (subject: object) the model has 3 main components: header, asset description and measurement.
SUBJECT creates the hierarchy tree structure (we have sub-subjects) that helps to identify the boundary of the value. The hierarchy is fixed by TIC4.0 for each kind of subject (CHE, TOS, Terminal) and can mix any type of subjects (e.g. machine.process = che.move). The subjects conform to an array defined by the (concept) metadata so various identical subjects but with different metadata (id or name or location or…) can be sent in the same message (one message with several CHE's or one CHE with several spreaders).
The CONCEPT's metadata defines “what is” and the CONCEPT “what does”. Both are flat (no hierarchy, no arrays) and as many as necessary can be used. Additionally, two concepts can be combined with “and” or “or” creating a new concept which includes the condition that makes both true. For e.g. “hoisting_and_trolleying” represents the action of hoisting and trolleying at the same time (both statuses must be true).
OBSERVED PROPERTies define the “magnitude” of the CONCEPT, are flat (no hierarchy) and can be used as many times as necessary with a CONCEPT.
For each OBSERVED PROPERTies an array created by the combination of the different POINT OF MEASUREMENTs in time (actual, estimated, etc), place (input, iinput, ioutput, output), timestamps and the different Units will give an array (a list) of VALUEs. The array could be as long as necessary in each message. The length will depend on the relation between the data frequency and the message frequency and also the amount of different POINT OF MEASUREMENTs that need to be represented.
A detailed definition of the Data Model can be found in https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/XBT1vEBA
The Data Schema was provided as part of the 2022.004 release and it defines the rules that the Data Model will follow and allows the translation from a hierarchy format to a flat format.
The Dataset is the content of the Data Model, a flat version without hierarchy or rules. The Dataset is used by humans but machines need the Data Model and the Data Schema to translate it to a digital format.
3. Generic Documentation
In this release we are publishing the following element:
Release | Title | Link | Definition | TIC4.0 classification |
2022.006 | "CHE talks TIC" - Guideline on how to include TIC4.0 in technical specifications | "CHE talks TIC" - Guideline on how to include TIC4.0 in technical specifications | This document provides a guideline and structure supporting the technical clarification process between terminal operator and solution provider. The aim is to support the clarification and help to understand what the terminal provider is requesting and what the solution provider is providing. | PDF, Spreadsheet, technical specification |
4. Definitions
In this release we defined the following elements:
Generic Definitions
Release | Definition | Link | Definition | TIC4.0 semantic |
2022.006 | Retracting | Operation performed by the subject in order to reduce its size to a smaller one | CONCEPT | |
2022.006 | Extending | Operation performed by the subject in order to increase its size to a larger one. | CONCEPT | |
2022.006 | Size | Standardized dimensions or main feature of the subject that refers to. | CONCEPT | |
2022.006 | Single | Operational mode to perform one payload (box) in one cycle regardless of the size of the payload. | CONCEPT | |
2022.006 | Twin | A spreader operational mode to perform two payloads (containers) in one cycle with one spreader connected to both containers. Both containers being 20ft long and positioned in such a way that the short sides of the containers are facing each other. | CONCEPT | |
2022.006 | Size10foot | Standardized dimensions or main feature of the subject that refers to with a size equivalent to ISO container size 10 foot. Spreader | CONCEPT | |
2022.006 | Size20foot | Standardized dimensions or main feature of the subject that refers to with a size equivalent to ISO container size 20 foot. Spreader | CONCEPT | |
2022.006 | Size30foot | Standardized dimensions or main feature of the subject that refers to with a size equivalent to ISO container size 30 foot. Spreader | CONCEPT | |
2022.006 | Size40foot | Standardized dimensions or main feature of the subject that refers to with a size equivalent to ISO container size 40 foot. Spreader | CONCEPT | |
2022.006 | Size45foot | Standardized dimensions or main feature of the subject that refers to with a size equivalent to ISO container size 45 foot. Spreader | CONCEPT | |
2022.006 | SizeWTPWidth | Standardized dimensions or main feature of the subject that refers to a width size equivalent to WTP containers. Spreader | CONCEPT | |
2022.006 | SizeISOWidth | Standardized dimensions or main feature of the subject that refers to a width size equivalent to ISO containers. Spreader | CONCEPT |
Carrier Visit
Release | Definition | Link | Definition | TIC4.0 semantic |
2022.006 | CarrierVisit: Events | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/999718925 | Overview over all CarrierVisit Events including a short description and their mapping to DCSA. | Overview |
2022.006 | Anchorage | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1000243208 | “Anchorage" is the process by which a carrier (vessel) is using the anchor to maintain an intermediate waiting position on its way to the port (terminal) or after departure from the port (terminal). | SUBJECT-PROCESS |
2022.006 | Drift | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1000407248 | “Drift" is the process by which a carrier (vessel) has stopped its engine but is still underway (i.e. not at anchor, or alongside, or aground) in order to maintain an intermediate waiting position on its way to the port (terminal) or after departure from the port (terminal). | SUBJECT-PROCESS |
2022.006 | Pilot | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1000407455 | “Pilot" is the process by which a carrier (vessel) is boarded by a pilot in order to enter or depart from the port (terminal) or conduct a river passage in confined waters or any other pilotage area. The pilot boards the vessel at the pilot boarding ground (arrival) or at the berth (departure). | SUBJECT-PROCESS |
2022.006 | Towage | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1000407662 | “Towage" is the process by which a carrier (vessel) is attended by tug boats in order to go alongside (arrival) or depart from (departure) the terminal berth. | SUBJECT-PROCESS |
2022.006 | Mooring | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1000407869 | “Mooring" is the process by which a carrier (vessel) is making fast or “let go” the ship’s lines to go alongside or depart to/from a berth. | SUBJECT-PROCESS |
2022.006 | Portgate | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1000243622 | “Portgate" is the process by which a carrier (truck, train) is passing a port gate or pre-gate facility. If no such port gate exists, it may be the event when the carrier passes the physical boundaries of the port limits. | SUBJECT-PROCESS |
2022.006 | Terminalgate | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1000243415 | “Terminalgate" is the process by which a carrier (truck or train) is passing the gate facilities of the terminal, either on arrival to or departure from the terminal. | SUBJECT-PROCESS |
2022.006 | CarrierSafetyAccessible | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1018331185 | Carrier (vessel, barge, rail, truck) Status indicates has taken appropriate measures for outside personnel to enter/embark the carrier physically during the specific carrier visit process. | CONCEPT |
2022.006 | FirstTimeCarrierSafetyAccessible | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1000243829 | Event when a carrier (vessel, barge, rail, truck) has initially taken appropriate measures for outside personnel to enter/embark the carrier for the first time physically during the specific process. | CONCEPT |
2022.006 | CarrierReadyToWork | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1018200085 | Carrier (vessel, barge, rail, truck etc) status indicates its readiness for cargo operations or lashing as reported by the carrier to the terminal according to local regulations | CONCEPT |
2022.006 | FirstTimeCarrierReadyToWork | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1000243856 | Event when a carrier (vessel, barge, rail, truck) reports First time readiness for cargo operations as reported by the carrier to the terminal according to local regulations | CONCEPT |
2022.006 | TerminalBerthReadyForArrival | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1018265601 | Terminal Status indicates that there is not a restriction from the terminal to the carrier to arrive the terminal. All workers are or in a safety position and there is not interference with any CHE. | CONCEPT |
2022.006 | FirstTimeTerminalBerthReadyForArrival | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1012957185 | Event when the terminal berth or transferzone is first time ready to receive a specific CarrierVisit (vessel, barge, rail, truck) TerminalBerthReadyForArrival is first time true for an specific carrier visit. | CONCEPT |
2022.006 | TerminalReadyToWork | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1018331137 | Terminal Status indicates that the resources (equipment and workers) are ready to lash or execute cargo operations on a specific CarrierVisit (vessel, barge, rail, truck etc visit) . | CONCEPT |
2022.006 | FirstTimeTerminalReadyToWork | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1012957223 | Event when the terminal resources (equipment and workers) are first time ready to start the lashing or cargo operations on a specific CarrierVisit (vessel, barge, rail, truck etc visit) . | CONCEPT |
2022.006 | TerminalBerthReadyForDeparture | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1012957451 | Terminal Status indicates that there is not a restriction from the terminal to the carrier to leave the terminal. All workers are off board or in a safety position and there is not interference with any CHE. | CONCEPT |
2022.006 | FirstTimeTerminalBerthReadyForDeparture | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1013219367 | Event when the terminal berth or transferzone is first time ready to let the carrier of a specific CarrierVisit (vessel, barge, rail, truck) leave the area in safe conditions (BerthReadyForDeparture status is true), free of labour on board (everybody off board) and without interference with any equipment or any other carrier. | CONCEPT |
2022.006 | ShorePower | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1012957261 | ShorePower is a sub-process of TerminalOperations by which a subject (usually the terminal’s personnel) or carrier (ship’s personnel) performs the operation to connect/disconnect the external energy supply systems in ports from/to the carrier | SUBJECT-PROCESS |
2022.006 | GearBoxes | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1012957299 | Terminal Operations Gearboxes is a sub-process of TerminalOperations by which a subject (usually the terminal’s personnel) performs the operation to discharge/load gearboxes from/to the carrier. | SUBJECT-PROCESS |
Job Instruction
Release | Definition | Link | Definition | TIC4.0 semantic |
2022.006 | Job Instruction Subject | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1012957527 | The Job Instruction Subject is the executer (system/someone/something/equipment) of a job instruction . | SUBJECT |
2022.006 | Job Instruction Object | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1007812609 | The Job instruction Object (system/someone/something/equipment) is the target of the job instruction . It is complementary to the job instruction subject. | SUBJECT |
2022.006 | CHE 2022.006 | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/998309889 | CHEs is any machine designed to move (transport or lift) any cargo (including containers) from one location to another. | SUBJECT |
Release | Definition | Link | Definition | TIC4.0 semantic |
2022.006 | Spreader | Rigid device, designed to attach the cargo (mainly containers of various sizes) to the lifting equipment using a locking mechanism. | SUBJECT | |
2022.006 | Locking | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/819593341 | Locking is the action of turning the twistlocks from unlocked to locked | CONCEPT |
2022.006 | Locked | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/420643121 | If the cargo is physically linked, safe and secure to the subject then locked is true. Safe to hoist. | CONCEPT |
2022.006 | Unlocking | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/822312984 | Unlocking is the action of turning the twistlocks from locked to unlocked | CONCEPT |
2022.006 | Unlocked | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/420905046 | If the cargo is not physically linked (completely not attached/joined) with the subject then unlocked is true. | CONCEPT |
2022.006 | Landed | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/420905060 | The spreader is landed correctly with all twistlocks in the corner castings | CONCEPT |
2022.006 | AllFlippersDown | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/1014562817 | All flippers on the spreader are in their down position. | CONCEPT |
2022.006 | AllFlippersUp | https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TIC40Definitions/pages/420643158 | All flippers on the spreader are in their Up position. | CONCEPT |
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