TIC 4.0
Spreader 2022.006
Fields | Type | Description | Purpose |
ID (subject identifier) | M | spreader | GRAMMAR |
subject name | M | Spreader | GRAMMAR |
subject type | M | Device | GRAMMAR |
Also known as | O |
| TIC Description |
Definition | M | Rigid device, designed to attach the cargo (mainly containers of various sizes) to the lifting equipment using a locking mechanism. |
Further Detail | O | Various configurations of the spreader exist such as fixed, telescoping length or telescoping width. Configurations currently include the following possibilities of lifting: one (single), two containers (one next to each other at the short side: twin), two containers (one next to each other at the long side: tandem). Further configurations do exist, but are yet not established in the market. Additional tasks like side lifting , handling overheight frames, piggyback handling, man cages, gear boxes, hatch covers or lifting different payloads are possible. | TIC Description |
Required Information | M | Unique ID. Suggested to use manufacturer name + serial number | TIC Description |
| che; control; twistlock; landpin; lockpin; twinsystem |
| on; off; working; idle; size; size10foot; size20foot; size30foot; size40foot; size45foot; sizeisowidth; sizewtpwidth; single; twin; tandem; locking; unlocking; locked; unlocked; extending; retracting; extending_or_retracting; trim; trimleft; trimright; skew; skewcw; skewccw; landed; allflippersdown; anyflipperdown; allflippersup; lashinggage; list; listforward; listreverse; sideshift; sideshiftfrontleft; sideshiftfrontright; sideshiftfrearleft; sideshiftfrearright; trim_or_skew_or_list_or_sideshift; twingap; search; energy; weight; |
Related standards | O | EN 15056 | TIC Description |
Related TIC 4.0 definition | O | https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/w1bzyox7 https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/uRA8GGe0 https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/dAL3JpKU https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/RxJYNX0v https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/JvmY5wyW https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/EujVWH4q https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/5B2ButcD https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/0BdHcHGw https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/E1hZjGPB https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/gnab1F7G https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/p0xq2T8v https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/6Q0PdU4z https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/8dB1Vh93 https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/cp/5ZyWaHC5 |
Example | M | "che.@.spreader.@.single.status.output.actual.value": "true", = The spreader of container handling eqp. is in single-lift operational mode. "che.@.spreader.@.twin.status.output.actual.value": "true", = The spreader of the container handling eqp. is in twin operational mode. "che.@.spreader.@.retracting.status.ioutput.actual.value": TRUE = The spreader of the container handling eqp. is performing an operation to reduce its size. Data comes from the feedback of the retracting actuator (e.g. pump or electric motor). "che.@.spreader.@.extending.status.ioutput.actual.value": TRUE = The spreader of the container handling eqp. is performing an operation to extend its size. Data comes from the feedback of the extending actuator (e.g. pump or electric motor). “che.@.spreader.@.locking.status.output.actual.value": TRUE = The container handling eqp. is in the process of locking. "che.@.spreader.@.locked.status.output.actual.value": TRUE = The spreader of the CHE has successfully and keep locked all twistlock in order to safely lift the container. "che.@.spreader.@.locked.status.input.actual.value": FALSE = There is no order to the spreader to keep it locked. "che.@.spreader.@.unlocked.status.input.actual.value": TRUE = There is an order to the spreader to keep unlocked. "che.@.spreader.@.locked.status.iinput.actual.value": TRUE = PLC still keep the order to locked. "che.@.spreader.@.landed.status.input.actual.value": FALSE = The spreader is not landed, that is the reason the spreader cannot be unlocked. "che.@.spreader.@.unlocking.status.output.actual.value": TRUE = The container handling eqp. is in the process of unlocking. "che.@.spreader.@.unlocked.status.output.actual.value": FALSE= The container handling Equipment. is not ready to release the container. But this doesn't mean that all twistlocks are locked in order to safely lift the container. "che.@.spreader.@.unlocked.status.input.actual.value": TRUE = the driver has push the signal to release the spreader. "che.@.spreader.@.unlocked.status.iinput.actual.value": TRUE = PLC is giving the order to the twistlocks pump/motors to open "che.@.spreader.@.landed.status.output.actual.value": FALSE = The container handling equipment is not landed on ISO corner castings so it is not ready/capable to lock or unlock all twistlocks according to the mode (single or twin lift). "che.@.spreader.@.allflippersdown.status.ioutput.actual.value": TRUE = all flippers on the spreader is indicating that its in their down position. "che.@.spreader.@.allflippersup.status.ioutput.actual.value": TRUE = all flippers on the spreader is indicating that its in their up position. |
Example in the context of the grammar | M |
Link to one or more operational processes | M | Any CHE load or discharge operation. |
Search tags | M | #spreader, #liftingdevice, #locking mechanism |
Version / Date | M | 2022.006 1/12/2022 |
Internal TIC Version | M | 2022-12-14 |
Created by | Edited by | Review / Approve | Published |
Hans Svanfeldt | @Francisco Blanquer Jaraiz 20221214 | @Francisco Blanquer Jaraiz 20221214 |
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