- Creado por Francisco Blanquer Jaraiz , modificado por última vez por DSP Data and system planning el jul 29, 2022
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Fields | Type | Description | Purpose |
ID (identifier) | M | jobinstructionlist | GRAMMAR |
Subject Name | M | Job Instruction List | GRAMMAR |
Subject Type | M | Process | GRAMMAR |
Also known as | O | workinstruction queue, queue, work list, job list | TIC Description |
Definition | M | “Job Instruction List” (jobinstructionlist) is a collection of Job Instructions of the same type, that can be over different objects and executed by different subjects. | TIC Description |
Further Detail | O | If the actions of the different subject over the same object don’t need any kind of coordination, then they should not be part of the same job instruction but could be part of the same job instruction list. “Job Instruction Pair” (jobinstructionpair): if two job instructions need to be coordinated because are done simultaneously by the same subject over two different objects then a link must be indicated. Job Instruction Pairs must belogs to the same Job Instruction List When more jobinstructions jobinstructionlist.created event happens in the moment that the id is assigned to the jobinstruction list , so it has a way to identify itself. It can be empty or include one or mone job instructions Jobinstructionlist.updated event happens when one or more jobinstructions are added/removed/executed from the jobinstrction list jobinstructionlist.cancelled: (event) happens when the jobinstructionlist is deleted joblinstruction.active (status): when the jobinstruction is created and available to the subjects joblinstruction.inactive (status): when the jobinstruction is created but not available to the subjects | TIC Description |
Required Information | M | SUBJECT, CONCEPT; OBSERVED PROPERTY and VALUE | TIC Description |
SUBJECTS | tos; |
| |
| Id; loading; discharging; useful; unuseful; paid; unpaid; handling reason; start; end; active; inactive; idle; working. |
Related standards | O | TEU definition; Container definition; ISO 8601 | TIC Description |
Related TIC 4.0 definition | O | https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/3pujAL8E https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/uF2W63Ut https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/0X0Ad1XR Laden; Unladen; Paid; Unpaid; Useful; UnUseful; https://tic40.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/REV/pages/420643176/Single+Review?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiZDAyMDQ3MmEyZTMwNGM2ODk2YTBjZjJkMmNmNzE4ZTUiLCJwIjoiYyJ9 https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/0yoXXmak https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/rSFwbtAG https://tic40.atlassian.net/l/c/UXknxhhc; Hatchcover; Lashing cage; Breakbulk; Bundle; Gearbox; Chain; OHF; double Spreader; Double trolley; solid bulk; double Boom; Multi trolley. | TIC Description |
Example | M | see below diagrams and draws | TIC Description |
Example in the context of the grammar | M | tos.jobinstruction.cycle pending 2022.005 release. | DATA MODEL |
Link to one or more operational processes | M | All cargo operation is related to cycle. | TIC Description |
Search tags | M | Technical | |
Version / Date | M | 2022.005 / 01.09.2022 | Technical |
Internal TIC Version | M | 20220727 | Technical |
M = Mandatory
O = Optional
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] } } } ] } ] } ] }
(optional) add some process diagram which concept belongs
Created by | Edited by | Review / Approve | Published |
Christopher Saavedra | Christopher Saavedra | Francisco Blanquer Jaraiz 20/10/2021 Luisa Kempf 23/12/2021 | 26/10/2021 |
Christopher Saavedra Kalmar TIC delegates 13/12/2021 |
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