Fields | Type | Description | Purpose |
ID (Concept identifier) | M | dwell | GRAMMAR |
Concept name | M | Dwell | GRAMMAR |
Concept type | M | status | GRAMMAR |
Also known as | O | Cargo at terminal, cargo stay. | TIC Description |
Definition | M | The cargo visit dwell concept represents that the cargo is actually visiting a terminal. The status of the concept is “true”, between the moment the cargo is identified during the incoming of the cargo (check-in) and the moment of confirmation of the cargo’s departure (check-out). | TIC Description |
Further Detail | O | This definition only applies to non-divisible cargo. Future releases will address divisible cargo. cargovisit is the process. tos.cargovisit.dwell is the concept of the process that defines if the cargo is inside the terminal = between check-in and check-out. tos.cargovisit.dwell.status is true at the timestamp (observation time) if the cargo is inside the terminal (after check-in and before check-out: status = true) tos.cargovisit.dwell.duration is how often the status = “true” without interruption. The value of the resolution (frequency determines the length of the duration check) is up to the implementation and defines the resolution of the data (example is 4 hours). tos.cargovisit.dwell.timer is the aggregation of the duration during a period of time (observation period). tos.cargovisit.dwell.totaltimer is the aggregation of the duration since the check-in until check-out Cargovisit “age” is obtained from: status = true and totaltimer value Cargovisit “dwelltime” is obtained from: status = false and totaltimer value | TIC Description |
Required Information | M | SUBJECT; OBSERVED PROPERTY and VALUE | TIC Description |
SUBJECT | M | service, servcevisit, cargo, carrier, carriervisit | GRAMMAR |
POINT OF MEASUREMENT | O | pom: input, output pomt: actual, planned, estimated | GRAMMAR |
OBSERVED PROPERTY | M | status; counter; duration; timer; totaltimer; age; dwelltime | GRAMMAR |
Value | M | type = operational/safety/component | GRAMMAR |
Related standards | O | TIC Description | |
Related TIC 4.0 definition | O | Checkin Checkout Outbound Anuncement | TIC Description |
Example | M | Cargo checkin 01/12/2021 00:00:00 Container checkout 02/02/2022 00:00:00 from 01/01/2022 00:00 to 02/01/2022 00:00 tos.cargovisit.dwell.status = true (always) tos.cargovisit.dwell.timer = 1 day TEU*days or box*day 01/01/2022 00:00 tos.cargovisit.dwell.totaltimer = 31 days from 01/02/2022 00:00 to 05/02/2022 00:00 tos.cargovisit.dwell.timer = 1 day 01/02/2022 00:00-23:59:59 tos.cargovisit.dwell.status = true 02-05/02/2022 tos.cargovisit.dwell.status = false 01/02/2022 00:00:00 tos.cargovisit.dwell.totaltimer = 62 days 06/02/2022 00:00:00 tos.cargovisit.dwell.totaltimer = 63 days = 3453454 = CSQU3054383 tos.cargovisit.inbound.modality: vessel tos.cargovisit.checkin.time : 2021-12-10T16:05:34.491Z tos.cargovisit.dwell.totaltimer.seconds : 86400 tos.cargovisit.checkout.time : 2021-12-11T16:05:34.491Z tos.cargovisit.inbound.modality: truck | TIC Description |
Example in the context of the grammar | M | The data model of cargo visit contains the mayor events and status of the cargo during the terminal visit. { "tos": [ { "id": "120SUPERCURRO2021", "name": "TOS", "cargovisit": [ { "id": "", "cargoflowtype": "domestic/import/export/transhipment/unknown", "cargo": { "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.491Z", "id": "ISO 6346/splitable_cargo_id?" }, "size": { "code": "", "description": "", "box": 1, "teu": 2, "20foot": 0, "30foot": 0, "40foot": 1, "45foot": 0 }, "weight": { "gross": [ { "pom": "output", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "", "unit": "ton", "value": 0 } ], "net": [ { "pom": "output", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "", "unit": "ton", "value": 0 } ] }, "inbound": { "modality": "vessel/truck/train/barge/interterminaltransfer/unknown", "time": [ { "pom": "output", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.491Z" }, { "pom": "output", "pomt": "estimated", "computingtime": "", "forecasttime": "", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.491Z" } ], "logical": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.491Z", "qualifier": "berth", "name": "", "value": "B 2", "berthing": "2" } ], "coordinate": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "qualifier": "WGS84", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.491Z", "value": [ 4012.22, -7500.25 ], "status": true, "accuracy": "12.0" } ], "carrier": [ { "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.491Z", "id": "" } ], "carriervisit": { "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "id": "" }, "service": [ { "code": "", "description": "", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z" } ], "servicevisit": [ { "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "id": "" } ] }, "checkin": { "time": [ { "pom": "output", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z" }, { "pom": "output", "pomt": "estimated", "computingtime": "", "forecasttime": "", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z" } ], "logical": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "qualifier": "berth", "name": "", "value": "B 2", "berthing": "2" } ], "coordinate": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "qualifier": "WGS84", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "value": [ 4012.22, -7500.25 ], "status": true, "accuracy": "12.0" } ] }, "dwell": { "status": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "value": false } ], "duration": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "unit": "second", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "value": 0 } ], "counter": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "value": 0, "starttimestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "endtimestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z" } ], "totalcounter": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "value": 0 } ], "timer": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "unit": "second", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "value": 0, "starttimestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "endtimestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z" } ], "totaltimer": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "unit": "hour", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "value": 0 } ], "logical": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "qualifier": "yard", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "value": "Y 01A 035 B 3", "status": true, "block": "01A", "row": "035", "bay": "B", "tier": "3" } ], "coordinate": [ { "pom": "output", "pomt": "actual", "qualifier": "WGS84", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "value": [ 4012.45, -7500.15 ], "status": true, "accuracy": "1.5" } ] }, "checkout": { "time": [ { "pom": "output", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z" }, { "pom": "output", "pomt": "estimated", "computingtime": "", "forecasttime": "", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z" } ], "logical": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "qualifier": "berth", "name": "", "value": "B 2", "berthing": "2" } ], "coordinate": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "qualifier": "WGS84", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "value": [ 4012.22, -7500.25 ], "status": true, "accuracy": "12.0" } ] }, "outbound": { "modality": "vessel/truck/train/barge/interterminaltransfer/unknown", "time": [ { "pom": "output", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z" }, { "pom": "output", "pomt": "estimated", "computingtime": "", "forecasttime": "", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z" } ], "location": { "logical": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "qualifier": "berth", "name": "", "value": "B 2", "berthing": "2" } ], "coordinate": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "qualifier": "WGS84", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "value": [ 4012.22, -7500.25 ], "status": true, "accuracy": "12.0" } ] }, "carrier": [ { "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "id": "" } ], "carriervisit": { "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "id": "" }, "service": [ { "code": "", "description": "", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z" } ], "servicevisit": [ { "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "id": "" } ] } } ] } ] } | TIC Description |
Link to one or more operational processes | M | TIC Description | |
Search tags | M | #alarm; #error; #fault | Technical |
Version / Date | M | 2021.004 - 15/03/2022 | Technical |
Internal TIC Version | M | 2021310 | Technical |
M = Mandatory
O = Optional
Created by | Edited by | Review / Approve | Published |
Francisco Blanquer Jaraiz 2021-12-10 |
| |