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The TIC 4.0 data model is based on the TIC 4.0 semantic that usually is represented in a flat version (human readable).


The semantic combines 6 basic elements: HEADER, SUBJECT, CONCEPT, OBSERVED PROPERTY, POINT OF MEASUREMENT and VALUE to represent a unique reality.

HEADER identifies the message in origin, (destination), time of measurement and unique reference.

SUBJECT(who) is the entity that is doing or being the CONCEPT. Could be a device (light, petrol station….), machine (che, vessel…), systems (hoist, trolley…) , component (spreader, wheel….), processes (move, cycle…).

CONCEPT(what is-does)refers always to a particular subject (or subject-subsystem) specifying what the subject is (status, metadata…) or does (movement…).

OBSERVED PROPERTY (how much) is the magnitude of the concept (status, pieces, length, volume, weight, energy, time, speed, power, duration, acceleration…) represented in the value with a specific measurement unit.

POINT OF MEASUREMENT (where) defines where in place and time (past, present, future) the value representing the observed property of the concept is measured and represented.

VALUE is the actual measured result for a specific combination of time of measurement + subject + concept + observed property + point of measurement. Several units could be used.

The combination of HEADER and SUBJECT with multiple combinations of CONCEPTs, OBSERVED PROPERTies and POINT OF MEASUREMENTs give us a unique meaning of a VALUE.

All the details could be find at TIC 4TIC4.0 Semantic


For the digital formating of the semantic and data set we need a data model to structure the data and a data schema to define the details of the content like the validity of the format or the type of data (boolean, entire, real etc), what data is mandatory or could be omitted etc.


Following the semantic web standard (subject: object) the model has 3 main components: header, asset description and measurement.



SUBJECT creates the hierarchy tree structure (we have sub-subjects) that helps to identify the boundary of the value. The hierarchy is fixed by TIC 4.0 for each kind of subject (CHE, TOS, Terminal) and can mix any type of subjects (e.g. machine.process = che.move). The subjects conform to an array defined by the (concept) metadata so many subjects identical but with different metadata (id or name or location or…) can be sent in the same message. (1 message with several CHEs or one CHE with several spreaders).

The CONCEPT'smetadata defines “what is” and the CONCEPT“what does”. Both are flat (no hierarchy, no arrays) and we can use as many as necessary. Also, two concepts can be combined with “and” or “or” creating a new concept that in fact is the condition that makes both true. E.g. “hoisting_and_trolleying” that represents the action of hoisting and trolleying at the same time (both status must be true).

OBSERVED PROPERTies define the magnitudes of the CONCEPT, are flat (no hierarchy) and can be used as many times as necessary per CONCEPT.

For each OBSERVED PROPERTies an array created by the combination of the different POINT OF MEASUREMENTs in time (actual, estimated, etc), place (input, iinput, ioutput, output), timestamps and the differents Units will give an array (a list) of VALUEs. The array could be as long as necessary per each message. The length will depend on the relation between the data frequency and the message frequency and also the amount of different POINT OF MEASUREMENTs that needs to be represented.


A quite extensive list of concepts can be used for each subject. The valid list for 2021.1 version can be found below but this list will increase in further releases.

2021.1 001 concepts in JSON format for CHE


View file
nameTIC40 Concepts 2020.1.txt


pending release 2022release 2021.002 included the first draft for the TOS Data model.

View file
nameTIC40 DATA Model TOS 2021.002 V0.78 CLARA.json

Plain TXT tab format for editor

View file
nameTIC40 DATA Model TOS 2021.002 V0.78 CLARA.txt


pending release 2022.003

Data Schema

pending release 2021.3003


The flattering algorithm to move from any dataset value in the data model to a unique “sentence” is pending.

Preliminary version proposed follows this structure: subject.subsubject_name.concept(_and_subconcept).pom.pomt.pomp.unit


Complete 2021.1 001 roadmap example in JSON Format and Plain TXT tab format for editor
