Segment Group 6 - SEL- FTX (is following segment group 8 in the COARRI structure, but part of segment group 6)
Seal Number - A segment identifying a seal number related to the equipment.
Free Text - A segment to specify supplementary information related to the equipment, such
as: - blockade reason - government inspection service - container loading
remarks - container remarks - container order information - additional
remarks concerning the container - container safety convention plate -
continuous examination program (ACEP)
Possible Codes
Segment Group 6 - SEL- FTX (is following segment group 8 in the COARRI structure, but part of segment group 6)
Seal Number - A segment identifying a seal number related to the equipment.
Free Text - A segment to specify supplementary information related to the equipment, such
as: - blockade reason - government inspection service - container loading
remarks - container remarks - container order information - additional
remarks concerning the container - container safety convention plate -
continuous examination program (ACEP)
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SEL+NL5694359+CA:::MAERSK SEALAND+1' cargo|@|seal|@|id| = NL5694359 cargo|@|seal|@|issuer|metaelements|sealingpartynamecode = CA cargo|@|seal|@|issuer|metaelements|sealingpartyname = Carrier cargo|@|seal|@|issuer|metaelements|sealingpartyname = MAERSK SEALAND cargo|@|seal|@|sealcondition|status|code = 1 cargo|@|seal|@|sealcondition|status|codename = In Right Condition cargo|@|seal|@|damaged|status|value = false cargo|@|seal|@|notdamaged|status|value = true |
### | Possible Codes | EDI SMDG data Element | EDI SMDG Component Element | EDI SMDG data name | "Human Name" | TiC Data Mapping |
| | 9308 | | SEAL IDENTIFIER | Sealnumber | cargo|@|seal|@|id| = NL5694359 cargo|@|seal|@|id| = 9308 If 9308 exist then cargo|@|sealed|status = true and cargo|@|notsealed|status = false If 9308 doesn't exist then cargo|@|sealed|status = falso (No DATA) and cargo|@|notsealed|status = true ?(No DATA) |
| | C215 | | SEAL ISSUER | | |
| AA Consolidator AB Unknown AC Quarantine agency CA Carrier CU Customs SH Shipper TO Terminal operator | | 9303 | Sealing party name code | The one who issued the seal | cargo|@|seal|@|issuer|metaelements|sealingpartynamecode = CA cargo|@|seal|@|issuer|metaelements|sealingpartyname = Carrier
cargo|@|seal|@|issuer|metaelements|sealingpartynamecode = 9303 (AA / AB / AC / CA / CU / SH / TO) cargo|@|seal|@|issuer|metaelements|sealingpartynamecodename = 9303 (Consolidator / Unknown / Quarantineagency / Carrier / Customs / Shipper / Terminaloperator) |
| | | 9302 | Sealing party name | Sealing party name (free text) | cargo|@|seal|@|issuer|metaelements|sealingpartyname = MAERSK SEALAND cargo|@|seal|@|issuer|metaelements|sealingpartyname = 9302 (free text) |
| 1 In right condition 2 Damaged | 4517 | | SEAL CONDITION CODE | | cargo|@|seal|@|sealcondition|status|code = 1 cargo|@|seal|@|sealcondition|status|codename = In Right Condition cargo|@|seal|@|damaged|status|value = false cargo|@|seal|@|notdamaged|status|value = true cargo|@|seal|@|sealcondition|status|code = 4517 (1 / 2) cargo|@|seal|@|sealcondition|status|codename = 4517 (In Right condition / Damaged) if 4517 is 1 then cargo|@|seal|@|damaged|statusOSI|value = true and cargo|@|seal|@|notdamaged|status|value = false if 4517 is 2 then cargo|@|seal|@|damaged|status|value = false and cargo|@|seal|@|notdamaged|status|value = true |
FTX+OSI++040' |
AAA Goods description AAI General information ABS Additional conditions ACF Additional attribute information ADZ or CSC (Container Safety Convention) plate information DAR Damage remarks INV Invoice instruction LOI Loading instruction OSI Other service information SIN Special instructions | 4451 | TEXT SUBJECT CODE QUALIFIER|notdamaged|status|value = true |
FTX+AAA+++FLOWERBULBS' tos|@|cargo|@|goodsdescription|metaelements|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier : AAA tos|@|cargo|@|goodsdescription|metaelements|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername : Goods description tos|@|cargo|@|goodsdescription|metaelements|output|actual|freetextvalue : FLOWERBULBS |
FTX+OSI++040' tos|@|cargovisit|@| | cargoventilationsystem|@| | goodsdescriptionrunning| | metaelementsstatus|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier | : AAA= OSI tos|@|cargovisit|@| | cargoventilationsystem|@| | goodsdescriptionrunning| | metaelementsstatus|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername | : Goods description…|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier = AAA / AAI / ABS / ACF / ADZ / CSC / DAR / INV / LOI / OSI / SIN
…= Other service information tos|@|cargovisit|@|ventilationsystem|@|running|status|output|actual|#unit#percentage| | textsubjectcodequalifiername value = 40 |
| AAA Goods description / AAI General information / ABS Additional conditions / ACF Additional attribute information / ADZ or CSC (Container Safety Convention / Container Safety Convention / ) plate information DAR Damage remarks / INV Invoice instruction / LOI Loading instruction / OSI Other service information / Special instructions REEFER SETTINGS (if e4451 = OSI): CLS Vents closed QUA Vents one quarter open HLF Vents half open THR Vents three quarters open FLL Vents fully open 025 Volume of air flow 25 cubic meters per hour etc| e4451 = ACF): Construction material code as per ISO 9897 DAR): Condition code (see JM4/ITIGG/120) Condition code (see JM4/ITIGG/120) For non-running reefer (dry reefer), the correct mechanism as per JM4 / 272 is as follows : e4451 = ABS C107|e4441 = 117 (no temperature setting required) C107|e1131 = ZZZ (mutually defined) C107|e3055 = 184 (ACOS) Condition code (see JM4/ITIGG/120v1|7) e4451 = ABS C107|e4441 =SM1 (Gross Mass Verification – SOLAS Method 1) Gross Mass Verification by weighing the packed container as per SOLAS Regulation 2 Chapter VI, paragraphs 4-6, method 1 =SM2 (Gross Mass Verification – SOLAS Method 2) Gross Mass Verification by calculation of weight of goods transported, packing weight, lashing and securing material weight and container tare weight as per SOLAS Regulation 2 Chapter VI paragraphs 4-6, method 2 C107|e1131 = ZZZ C107|e3055 = SMD (SMDG) Instruction SIN Special instructions | 4451 | | TEXT SUBJECT CODE QUALIFIER | | tos|@|cargo|@|goodsdescription|metaelements|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier : AAA tos|@|cargo|@|goodsdescription|metaelements|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername : Goods description …|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier = AAA / AAI / ABS / ACF / ADZ / CSC / DAR / INV / LOI / OSI / SIN …|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername = Goods description / General information / Additional conditions / Additional attribute information / Container Safety Convention / Container Safety Convention / Damage remarks / Invoice instruction / Loading instruction / Other service information / Special instructions |
| REEFER SETTINGS (if e4451 = OSI): CLS Vents closed QUA Vents one quarter open HLF Vents half open THR Vents three quarters open FLL Vents fully open 025 Volume of air flow 25 cubic meters per hour etc| e4451 = ACF): Construction material code as per ISO 9897 DAR): Condition code (see JM4/ITIGG/120) Condition code (see JM4/ITIGG/120)
Instruction code (mutually agreed) | C107 | 4441 | Free text value code | tos|@|cargo|@|goodsdescription|metaelements|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier : AAA tos|@|cargo|@|goodsdescription|metaelements|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername : Goods description tos|@|cargo|@|goodsdescription|metaelements|output|actual|freetextvaluecode : if e4451 = AAA tos|@|cargo|@|goodsdescription|metaelements|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier : AAA tos|@|cargo|@|goodsdescription|metaelements|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername : Goods description tos|@|cargo|@|goodsdescription|metaelements|output|actual|freetextvaluecode : 4441 (ZZZ) if e4451 = AAI tos|@|cargo|@|generalinformation|metaelements|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier : AAI tos|@|cargo|@|generalinformation|metaelements|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername : General information tos|@|cargo|@|generalinformation|metaelements|output|actual|freetextvaluecode = 4441 (ZZZ)For non-running reefer (dry reefer), the correct mechanism as per JM4 / 272 is as follows : e4451 = ABS C107|e4441 = 117 (no temperature setting required) C107|e1131 = ZZZ (mutually defined) C107|e3055 = 184 (ACOS) Condition code (see JM4/ITIGG/120v1|7) e4451 = ABS C107|e4441 =SM1 (Gross Mass Verification – SOLAS Method 1) Gross Mass Verification by weighing the packed container as per SOLAS Regulation 2 Chapter VI, paragraphs 4-6, method 1 =SM2 (Gross Mass Verification – SOLAS Method 2) Gross Mass Verification by calculation of weight of goods transported, packing weight, lashing and securing material weight and container tare weight as per SOLAS Regulation 2 Chapter VI paragraphs 4-6, method 2 C107|e1131 = ZZZ C107|e3055 = SMD (SMDG) Instruction code (see JM4/ITIGG/120) Instruction code (mutually agreed) | C107 | 4441 | Free text value code | | no example if e4451 = ABS tos|@|cargo|@|cargocondition|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier = ABS tos|@|cargo|@|cargocondition|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername = Additional conditions tos|@|cargo|@|cargocondition|output|actual|freetextvaluecode = 4441 JM4/ITIGG/120 tos|@|cargo|@|cargocondition|output|actual|freetextvaluecodedescription = JM4/ITIGG/120 tos|@|cargo|@|cargocondition|output|actual|freetextvaluecodeotherdescription = JM4/ITIGG/120 if e4451 = ACF tos|@|cargo|@|constructionmaterial|metaelements|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier = ACF tos|@|cargo|@|constructionmaterial|metaelements|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername = Additional attribute information tos|@|cargo|@|constructionmaterial|metaelements|output|actual|freetextvaluecode = 4441 ISO 9897 tos|@|cargo|@|constructionmaterial|metaelements|output|actual|freetextvaluecodename = 4441 ISO 9897 tos|@|cargo|@|constructionmaterial|metaelements|output|actual|freetextvaluecodedescription = 4441 ISO 9897 if e4451 = DAR tos|@|cargo|@|damage|metaelements|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier = DAR tos|@|cargo|@|damage|metaelements|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername = Damage remarks tos|@|cargo|@|damage|metaelements|output|actual|freetextvaluecode = 4441 JM4/ITIGG/120 tos|@|cargo|@|damage|metaelements|output|actual|freetextvaluecodedescription = JM4/ITIGG/120 tos|@|cargo|@|damage|metaelements|output|actual|freetextvaluecodeotherdescription = JM4/ITIGG/120 if e4451 = INV tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier = INV tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername = Invoice instruction tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|freetextvaluecode = ZZZ (mutually defined) if e4451 = LOI tos|@|cargo|@|loadinginstruction|metaelements|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier = DAR tos|@|cargo|@|loadinginstruction|metaelements|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername = Damage remarks tos|@|cargo|@|loadinginstruction|metaelements|output|actual|freetextvaluecode = ZZZ (mutually defined) if e4451 = OSI tos|@|cargovisit|@|ventilationsystem|@|running|status|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier = OSI tos|@|cargovisit|@|ventilationsystem|@|running|status|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername = Other service information tos|@|cargovisit|@|ventilationsystem|@|running|status|output|actual|freetextvaluecode : 4441 (CLS / QUA / HLF / THR / FLL) tos|@|cargovisit|@|ventilationsystem|@|running|status|output|actual|freetextvaluecodename = 4441 (Vents closed / Vents one quarter open / Vents half open / Vents three quarters open / Vents fully open) if e4451 = SIN tos|@|cargovisit|@|specialinstruction|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier = SIN tos|@|cargovisit|@|specialinstruction|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername = Special instruction tos|@|cargovisit|@|specialinstruction|output|actual|freetextvaluecode = ZZZ ( mutually defined)agreed |
| 130 Special handling If e4451 = INV ZZZ Mutually defined If e4451 = ACF, DAR or ABS | | 1131 | Code list identification code | | if e4451 = INV tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier = INV tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername = Invoice instruction tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|freetextvaluecode = 4441 (free text) tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|codelistidentificationcode : 130 tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|codelistidentificationcodename : Special handling if e4451 = ACF / DAR / ABS tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier = ACF / DAR / ABS tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername = Additional attribute information / Damage remarks / Additional conditions tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|freetextvaluecode = 4441 (free text) tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|codelistidentificationcode : ZZZ tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|codelistidentificationcodename : Mutually defined |
| 5 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) If e4451 = ACF 184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) If e4451 = INV, DAR, ABS SMD SMD (Ship planning Message Design Group) If e4451 = ABS (SOLAS VGM) | | 3055 | Code list responsible agency code | | if e4451 = ACF tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier = ACF tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername = Additional attribute information tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|freetextvaluecode = 4441 (free text) tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|freetextvalue = 4440-1, 4440-2, 4440-3, 4440-4, 4440-5 free text tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|codelistidentresponsibleagencycode : 5 tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|codelistidentresponsibleagencycodename : ISO tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|codelistidentresponsibleagencycodedescription : International Organization for Standardization if e4451 = INV / DAR / ABS tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier = INV / DAR / ABS tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername = Invoice instruction/Damage remarks / Additional conditions tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|freetextvaluecode = 4441 (free text) tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|codelistidentresponsibleagencycode : 184 tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|codelistidentresponsibleagencycodename : AU tos|@|cargovisit|@|invoiceinstruction|output|actual|codelistidentresponsibleagencycodedescription : ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) if e4451 = ABS tos|@|cargo|@|weigth|gross|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifier = ABS tos|@|cargo|@|weigth|gross|output|actual|textsubjectcodequalifiername = Additional conditions tos|@|cargo|@|weigth|gross|output|actual|freetextvalue= 4440 (SOLAS VGM) tos|@|cargo|@|weigth|gross|output|actual|codelistidentresponsibleagencycode : SMD tos|@|cargo|@|weigth|gross|output|actual|codelistidentresponsibleagencycodename : SMD tos|@|cargo|@|weigth|gross|output|actual|codelistidentresponsibleagencycodedescription : Ship planning Message Design Group |
| | C108 | | TEXT LITERAL | | |
| CSC PROBLEMS (if e4451 = CSC): CSC re-inspection date (CCYYMM) or ACEP (if there is an acceptance sticker) or NDAT (in all other cases) Free text Free text Free text | | 4440 | Free text value (5 times) | | … |output|actual|freetextvalue s = [4440-1, 4440-2, 4440-3, 4440-4, 4440-5] (free text) |
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