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The SEAMLESS project, funded under the European Union's Horizon Europe program, commenced in February 2023. During the project's 40-week duration, the Its aim is to develop and adapt essential components to create a fully automated, economically viable, cost-effective, and resilient waterborne freight feeder loop service for Short Sea Shipping (SSS) and/or Inland Waterways Transport (IWT). TIC4.0 is playing an active role in the project as a partner, providing its expertise in standardisation and data models. The foreseen duration of the project is 40 months from the aforementioned start date.

The “Horizon Europe” programme is the latest iteration of the EU Research Framework Programmes, which have been running since 1984. In these, the EU defines specific “calls” or topics of interest for research ranging from health science, physics, etc. to transportation and digitalisation. Goals are defined according to EU policies and targets: for example, later EU programmes have placed strong focus on decarbonisation and digitalisation. European companies and institutions can opt for the funding either alone or forming multinational consortiums to tackle projects with companies from across the Member States. If the project is approved by the European Commission, funding is awarded to them to start working.

The project will integrate autonomous systems to ensure safe, resilient, efficient, and environmentally friendly operations, shifting road transport to inland waterways and enhancing the performance of the TEN-T network. The service will operate 24/7 using a fleet of autonomous cargo shuttles, with human supervision from Remote Operation Centres (ROCs), which will effectively coordinate with automated and autonomous shore-side infrastructure while safely interacting with conventional systems.


TIC4.0 plays a pivotal role in three key work packages: WP2, WP3, and WP5. In all these areas, TIC4.0's main focus is on assessing and providing expertise to develop future operational and technological standards for the adoption of autonomous shipping and automated operations at ship-berth interfaces.

WP2 “Redesign Logistics”

In WP2, TIC4.0's role involves understanding how both TIC4.0 and DCSA standards can contribute to ensuring the interoperability of the various systems interconnected during the arrival phase, cargo operations, and dispatch to the hinterland. This work will be detailed in Deliverable D2.3, which is scheduled for delivery in the project's twentieth month.

WP3 “Enabling autonomous port operations”

For Building Block #1, TIC4.0's contribution primarily involves understanding the key systems that govern terminal operations (TOS), including communication between these systems and the machinery involved, as well as understanding the systems responsible for developing stowage plans for vessels and their interaction with terminals. This contribution will be documented in Deliverable 3.3, titled "Concepts for Improved Port Cargo Handling Through Automated Port Interfaces," with delivery expected at the end of the project.

WP5 “Digitalising logistics operations”

Finally, TIC4.0 has made a minor contribution to the development of Deliverable 5.1, "ModalNET Specifications, Systems Architecture, and Design of Cyber-Secure Communication." This contribution focuses on describing how communications could be managed between the ModalNET platform and the various container terminal operations management systems.

What are the benefits of being present in



By taking part at in SEAMLESS, TIC4.0 benefits in multiple ways:


WP5: Digitalizing Logistics Operations

Led by Valenciaport FundationFoundation, Spain (VPF)

The efforts here try to tackle SEAMLESS Building Block #3: Integrated Supply Chain Support (ModalNET). It involves defining requirements for efficient, secure, and resilient data management, developing the architecture for secure communication among physical assets, and introducing a digital collaborative communication framework among various logistics operators. FVP VPF will also develop the ModalNET computational engine for dynamic and synchromodal management.


  • Work on defining the use cases has progressed as planned. The "STATE-OF-THE-ART AND BASELINE FOR THE SEAMLESS USE CASES" report has been successfully completed, laying the groundwork for further development of the use cases.

  • Based on the work completed in deliverable Work Package 2.1, it was necessary to change the original location of the Northern European use case. The conditions at the Agotnes-Bergen ports were not ideal. Consequently, the use case has been shifted to connect Horten with the Port of Moss in Norway. This change offers better conditions for the physical demonstration of the use case. 


  • Autonomous cargo handling system: Two physical vessels and one simulated vessel are being controlled by the Kongsberg Shore Control Center. The system will simulate triple joint cranes that unload 10 to 20 containers from a mother vessel and load them onto a shuttle vessel. The crane must be movable along the quay.

  • MacGregor has introduced the SEAMLESS autonomous mooring system, an innovative solution adapted for inland waterway ports.

  • The Voyage and Container Optimisation Platform (VCOP) system is being developed for the automated cargo voyage planning and stowage execution platform.

  • For concepts regarding automated port interfaces and intermodal cargo forwarding to the hinterland, the current processes have been described, and development of the "To Be" process will advance in the coming months.
