Versiones comparadas


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ID (identifier)




Subject Name




Subject Type




Also known as


che workinstruction; instruction; message; task

TIC Description



job instruction is something (collection of orders) that a source (system/someone) tells to subjects (system/someone/something/equipment) to do to an object in a coordinate wayOrder” (order) indicates one action to perform with the JobInstruction. It includes only one subject, doing one action to one object.

TIC Description

Further Detail


Job Instruction includes any type of action and objects to perform in the terminal, not only “move cargo”. It applies to actions like inspections, reefer plugin, reallocation of equipment, recharge, repairs, maintenance, etc.

Order vs Job Instruction vs Job Instruction List:

Order” (order) includes only one action (to do) over to one object.

Job Instruction” (jobinstruction) is a collection of Orders over the same object. These orders could be executed by different subjects but always over the same object. Orders are included in the same job instruction because they must be performed in a coordinate coordinated way (i.e. move a container by several machines, repair a machine by several teams). In the simplest case, jobinstruction includes only one order.

Job Instruction List” (jobinstructionlist) is a collection of Job Instructionsof the same type, that can be over different objects and executed by different subjects. If the actions of the different subject subjects over the same object don’t need any kind of coordination, then they should not be part of the same job instruction but could be part of the same job instruction list.

Job Instruction Pair” (jobinstructionpair): if two job instructions need to be coordinated because are done simultaneously by the same subject over two different objects then a link must be indicated.

The information on this job instruction is usually built overtimeIn the simplest case, a jobinstruction includes only one order.

Basic information is which the Order has to be done, the starting point and the Order object. Other information like the end position of the Order, the nominated subject that has to perform the Order and other details, could be added in later stages and can be updated/modified over time.

Job Instruction Start and End events:
The Job Instruction is not a process itself, it is the “order” that one source tells to a subject to do something to an object. This “order” becames “real” when the subject, action and object are defined and the subject that is going to do the job has this information. To consider that the job instruction is in execution, (so the job instruction has started), the orders needs to be received and acknowledged by the subjects that are going to execute the order. Considering this, the Job Instruction has several “event” and “status” to be considered.

Image Removed

jobinstruction.creation event happens in the moment that the id is assigned to the jobinstruction, so it has a way to identify itself. It could have only the basic info but needs it own identity. Usually will include the action to do and the object but not the subject, when and where. status is "True" only when is avaible for the source. The first time is available would generate a jobinstruction.firsttimeactive event.

jobinstruction.assigned status is "True" only when is the subject in charge of doing the action is defined. The first time is defined would generate a jobinstruction.firsttimeassigned event. May happen that the subject change several times or even disspear then the jobinstruction.assigned.status would be false.

jobinstruction.dispach: (event) first time the subject has the specific order to do to on an object

jobinstruction.dispached: (status) when the subject has the specific order to do to on an object

jobinstruction.acknowled: (event) first time the subject acknowledged to have received the order

jobinstruition.acknowledged (status) when the subject acknowledged it got the order. In most of the cases dispatched and acknowledged happens at same time or very small time difference.

jobinstruction.cancel: (event) when the subject refuse or the source cancel the order for at least one specific subject.

jobinstruction.dispached: when the subject has the specific order to do to on an object (status)

jobinstruction.start event happens when it is first time dispatched

jobinstruction.execution status is “true” between jobinstruction.start and jobinstruction.end

jobinstruction.order.start event happens when the first of: the subject already has the jobinstruction dispatched and start the work (che.cycle.start or equivalent) or when the jobinstruction is “dispach” = jobinstruction.start and the subject is waiting for instructions but ready to perform any job (che.idle or similar)

jobinstruction.inprogress status is “True” between the first jobinstruction.order.start and the last jobinstruction.order.end

jobinstruction.order.end event happens when the subject already has the jobinstruction “dispatch” and ends the specific object and action work (che.cycle.end or equivalent).

jobinstruction.end event happens when the last jobinstruction.order.end

Job Instruction types:

Action type (jobinstruction.actiontype): is closed list (could be extended)

  • “Cargo Move” when the order is to transport a cargo

  • “Service Task” when the order doesn’t involve cargo movement.

Order Type (jobinstruction.ordertypeperform the Order and other details, could be added in later stages and can be updated/modified over time.

Image Added

Order Type (jobinstruction.typeaction):

Cargo Move:

  • receival: export receival from truck

  • delivery: import delivery to truck

  • discharge: discharge a cargo from a vessel

  • load: load cargo to a vessel

  • deramp: discharge cargo from a train

  • ramp: load cargo to a train

  • yard move: move a cargo within the yard

  • restow: discharge and reload the cargo to the same carrier

  • shift on board: move a cargo within the carrier

  • shuffle/rehandle: move a cargo in the yard to dig out the target container which is in below tier

  • transfer: internal terminal transfer, different terminal within the same port without doing gate out.

  • inspection: move a cargo to the inspection area

  • to be extended…

Service task:

  • Plugging, /Unplugging,

  • Inspection,

  • Strip,

  • Stuff,

  • Charge,

  • Clean,

  • Repair,

  • Seal

  • Fumigation,

  • accessory Accessory move

  • paint

  • etcPaint

  • Lashing/Unlashing

  • to be extended…

Job Instruction objects (jobinstruction.object):


  • Cargo Cargo

  • CHE CHE 2021.001

  • Accessories are payloads like hatch covers, gensets, frames but not cargo

  • Facility objects includes every area or physical equipment of the yard (light poles, bollards, fences, reefer stations, etc)

Job Instruction subject (jobinstruction.order.subject):

Is the one that executes the order. As a job instruction can have many subjects this concept metadata is under “order”.

TIC Description

Required Information



TIC Description






Id; loading; discharging; useful; unuseful; paid; unpaid; handling reason; start; end; active; inactive; idle; working.


Related standards


 TEU definition; Container definition; ISO 8601

TIC Description

Related TIC 4.0 definition

O Laden; Unladen; Paid; Unpaid; Useful; UnUseful; /cp/k6Z2YJww; Hatchcover; Lashing cage; Breakbulk; Bundle; Gearbox; Chain; OHF; double Spreader; Double trolley; solid bulk; double Boom; Multi trolley. 0X0Ad1XR CHE 2021.001

TIC Description



see below diagrams and drawsdrawings

TIC Description

Example in the context of the grammar


tos.jobinstruction.cycle pending 2022.005 release.


Link to one or more operational processes

MAll cargo operation is related to cycle

Loading/unloading; gate operations, rail operations.

TIC Description

Search tags



Version / Date


2022.005 / 01.09.2022


Internal TIC Version




M = Mandatory

O = Optional

View file

titleClick to expand JSON TOS JobInstruction
Bloque de código
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    "timestamp": "2022-07-26T18:24:10.304Z",
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    "starttimestamp": "2022-07-26T18:24:10.304Z",
    "endtimestamp": "2022-07-26T18:24:10.304Z",
    "version": "2021.2"
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      "jobinstruction": [
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(optional) add some process diagram which concept belongs

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Created by

Edited by

Review / Approve


Christopher Saavedra

Christopher Saavedra

Kalmar TIC delegates

Gabriella Meduri

Francisco Blanquer Jaraiz 20/10/2021

Luisa Kempf 23/12/2021


Christopher Saavedra

Kalmar TIC delegates 13/12/2021
