Fields | Type | Description | Purpose | |||||
ID (Concept identifier) | M | healthydwell | GRAMMAR | |||||
Concept name | M | HealthyDwell | GRAMMAR | |||||
Concept type | M | status | GRAMMAR | |||||
Also known as | O | it’s OK, no (maintenance) problem, No Alarms, No Errors, Maintenance Status | TIC DescriptionTIC Description | |||||
Definition | M | Healthy is an expression of the subject's condition to do the job it was designed for, determined by processing error messages ,warnings, faults and interlocksThe cargo visit dwell process starts when the cargo is identified (checkin) during the incoming of the cargo and ends with the confirmation (checkout) of the cargo’s departure. | TIC Description | |||||
Further Detail | O | Normally we assume healthy status to be ok (true) unless we feel or know we have a health problem, or we might expect a health problem in future (health Prediction). Determining the healthy condition is not limited by processing in the internal subject, but the condition is determined by the overall Health subject | Cargo visit process has some relevant concept events (inbound, checking, chekout, outbound) and one concept “dwell”. The cargo visit “inbound” or start event happens as soon as the carrier carries the cargo into the terminal. The cargo visit dwell process starts when the cargo is identified (checkin) during the incoming of the cargo and ends with the confirmation (checkout) of the cargo’s departure. The cargo visit “outbound” or “end” event happens as soon as the carrier carries the cargo off the terminal. | TIC Description | ||||
Required Information | M | SUBJECT; OBSERVED PROPERTY and VALUE | TIC Description | |||||
SUBJECT | M | Healthyservice, servcevisit, cargo, carrier, carriervisit | GRAMMAR | |||||
POINT OF MEASUREMENT | O ioutput estimated; actual; performed | GRAMMAR | ||||||
OBSERVED PROPERTY | M | status; duration; level; counter; timer; totalcounter; totaltimer | GRAMMAR | |||||
Value | M | type = operational/safety/component | GRAMMAR | |||||
Related standards | O | TIC Description | ||||||
Related TIC 4.0 definition | O | Interlock | TIC Description | Example | M | TIC Description | TIC Description | |
Example | M | A container passthrough a terminal, arriving by vessel, dwelling 1 day and departure by truck. = 3453454 = CSQU3054383 tos.cargovisit.inbound.modality: vessel tos.cargovisit.checkin.time : 2021-12-10T16:05:34.491Z tos.cargovisit.dwell.totaltimer.seconds : 86400 tos.cargovisit.checkout.time : 2021-12-11T16:05:34.491Z tos.cargovisit.inbound.modality: truck | TIC Description | |||||
Example in the context of the grammar | M | Healthy problem with a simple fault data model in JSON format Bloque de código | | |||||
Bloque de código | ||
| ||
{ "tos": [ { "id": "120SUPERCURRO2021", "name": "TOS", "cargovisit": [ { "id": "", "cargoflowtype": "domestic/import/export/transhipment/unknown", "cargo": { "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.491Z", "id": "ISO 6346/splitable_cargo_id?" }, "size": { "code": "", "description": "", "box": 1, "teu": 2, "20foot": 0, "30foot": 0, "40foot": 1, "45foot": 0 }, "weight": { "gross": [ { "pom": "output", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "", "unit": "ton", "value": 0 } ], "net": [ { "pom": "output", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "", "unit": "ton", "value": 0 } ] }, "inbound": { "modality": "vessel/truck/train/barge/interterminaltransfer/unknown", "time": [ { "pom": "output", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.491Z" }, { "pom": "output", "pomt": "estimated", "computingtime": "", "forecasttime": "", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.491Z" } ], "logical": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.491Z", "qualifier": "berth", "name": "", "value": "B 2", "berthing": "2" } ], "coordinate": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "qualifier": "WGS84", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.491Z", "value": [ 4012.22, -7500.25 ], "status": true, "accuracy": "12.0" } ], "carrier": [ { "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.491Z", "id": "" } ], "carriervisit": { "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "id": "" }, "service": [ { "code": "", "description": "", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z" } ], "servicevisit": [ { "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "id": "" } ] }, "checkin": { "time": [ { "pom": "output", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z" }, { "pom": "output", "pomt": "estimated", "computingtime": "", "forecasttime": "", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z" } ], "logical": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "qualifier": "berth", "name": "", "value": "B 2", "berthing": "2" } ], "coordinate": [ { "pom": "ioutput", "pomt": "actual", "qualifier": "WGS84", "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "value": [ 4012.22, -7500.25 ], "status": true, "accuracy": "12.0" } ] }, "dwell": { "status": [ { "idpom": "ioutput", "namepomt": "actual", "health": [ "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", { "value": false "id": "", "name": "",} "number": 0], "typeduration": "",[ "family": "", { "brand": "", "modelpom": "ioutput", "source "pomt": "actual", "softwareidunit": "second", "locationtimestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "healthy": { "value": 0 "status": [ } { ], "valuecounter": false,[ { "type": "operational", "pom": "outputioutput", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-1112-19T1610T16:0605:5434.891Z492Z", }, "value": 0, {"starttimestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "endtimestamp"value": false,: "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z" } "type": "component", ], "pomtotalcounter": "ioutput",[ "pomt": "estimated",{ "timestamppom": "2021-11-19T16:06:54.891Zioutput", "computingtimepomt": "2021-11-19T16:06:54.891Zactual", "forecasttimetimestamp": "3242021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "forecasttimeunitvalue": "second"0 } ], "leveltimer": [ { "valuepom": "20ioutput", "typepomt": "componentactual", "unit": "percentagesecond", "pomtimestamp": "output2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "pomtvalue": "actual"0, "timestampstarttimestamp": "2021-1112-19T1610T16:0605:5434.891Z492Z", }, "endtimestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z" { } "value": "3654"], "typetotaltimer": "operational", [ "unit": "errors", { "pom": "outputioutput", "pomt": "actual", "timestampunit": "2021-11-19T16:06:54.891Z"hour", }, "timestamp": "2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", { "value": "5", 0 "type": "component", } "unit": "percentage", ], "pomlogical": "ioutput",[ "pomt": "estimated",{ "timestamppom": "2021-11-19T16:06:54.891Zioutput", "computingtimepomt": "2021-11-19T16:06:54.891Zactual", "forecasttimequalifier": "324yard", "forecasttimeunittimestamp": "second"2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "value": "Y 01A 035 B }3", ] "status": true, }, "faultblock": {"01A", "eventrow": "035", [ {"bay": "B", "tic40codeidtier": "", } "tic40codename": "che.powersource.coolant.control.sensor", ], "pomcoordinate": "output",[ "pomt": "actual",{ "timestamppom": "2021-11-19T16:06:54.892Zoutput", "unitpomt": "booleanactual", "oldvaluequalifier": false"WGS84", "newvaluetimestamp": true"2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z", "mcodevalue": [ "E", "spncode": 110 4012.45, "fmicode": 3, -7500.15 "severity": {} ], "descriptionstatus": {}true, "reactionaccuracy": {}"1.5" } ], }, "status": [ { "checkout": { "tic40codeidtime": "",[ { "tic40codename": "che.powersource.coolant.control.sensor", "pom": "output", "pomt": "actual", "timestamp": "2021-1112-19T1610T16:0605:5434.892Z492Z", "value": true}, { "mcode": "E", "spncodepom": 110"output", "fmicodepomt": 3"estimated", "severitycomputingtime": {}"", "descriptionforecasttime": {}"", "reactiontimestamp": {}"2021-12-10T16:05:34.492Z" } ], "durationlogical": [ { "tic40codeidpom": ""ioutput", "tic40codenamepomt": "che.powersource.coolant.sensoractual", "pomtimestamp": 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TIC Description
Link to one or more operational processes
TIC Description
Search tags
#alarm; #error; #fault
Version / Date
2021.003 004 - 15/0103/2022
Internal TIC Version
M = Mandatory
O = Optional
Created by | Edited by | Review / Approve | Published |
Francisco Blanquer Jaraiz 2021-1112-1510 |
| |