Fields | Type | Description | Purpose |
ID (Concept identifier) | M | on_notstandby | GRAMMAR |
Concept name | M | On Not Standby | GRAMMAR |
Concept type | M | status | GRAMMAR |
Also known as | O | On; Not Off; Power On; Ready to work; running; With power; Engine on; Power supply on; idle; active; standby not active; | TIC Description |
Definition | M | If the main power supply system and all subject systems are currently ready to operate (do the job it has been designed for) and no operator action is required (to be ready) then TRUE else FALSE | TIC Description |
Further Detail | O | On Standby is a special type of On status where the subject is currently ready and not in standby. If off is TRUE then on_notstandby has to be FALSE If on is TRUE and on_standby is FALSE then on_notstandby is TRUE If on is TRUE and on_standby is TRUE then on_notstandby is FALSE | TIC Description |
Required Information | M | SUBJECT; OBSERVED PROPERTY and VALUE | TIC Description |
| #CHE; #STS; #SC; #RTG; #RMG; #TT; #FKL; #Gate; #Terminal; #MC; #TOS ; #Luminary |
| #input;#internal_in ; #internal_out ;#output #schedule; #planning; #estimated; #actual; #performed |
| #status; #counter; #duration; #timer; #totaltimer #energy; #startevent; #startcounter; #endevent; #endcounter; #distance; |
Value |
| TRUE; FALSE; real number; integer |
Related standards | O |
| TIC Description |
Related TIC 4.0 definition | O | ;#on; #off; #on_standby | TIC Description |
Example | M | che_on_notstandby_status: FALSE = the Container Handler Equipment is ready to operate or do its job properly in less than 2 seconds because the power, the control and all of its systems are able to be ready on time but currently is not or the CHE is off. che_spreader_on_notstandby_status: TRUE = the Spreader of the Container Handler Equipment is currently ready to operate properly (lock-unlock-expand-contract). che_engine_on_notstandby_status: FALSE = the Engine of the Container Handler Equipment currently is not ready to generate the power to the CHE working properly. | TIC Description |
Example in the context of the grammar | M | An RTG with the Engine and control On but the drivers off and the cabin gate open che_engine_on_status: TRUE; che_drivers_on_status: FALSE; che_control_on_status: TRUE; che_cabingateopen_status: TRUE; che_on_status: TRUE; che_on_notstandby_status: FALSE | TIC Description |
Link to one or more operational processes | M | Any CHE load or discharge operation. | TIC Description |
Search tags | M | #OFF; #Off; #off; #ON; #On; #on; #standby; #running; #working | Technical |
Version / Date | M | TIC_Q4_2020 / 15.09.2020 | Technical |
Internal TIC Version | M | definition technical group | Technical |