A segment to identify the party's name and address which apply to the whole message.
Segment Group 4: NAD - SGS
NAD+CF+MAE:172:20' |
### | Possible Codes | EDI SMDG data Element | EDI SMDG Component Element | EDI SMDG data name | "Human Name" | TiC Data Mapping |
| CA Carrier CF Container operator/lessee HR Shipping line service MR Message recipient MS Document/message issuer/sender | 3035 | | PARTY FUNCTION CODE QUALIFIER | | tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metaelements|output|actual|partyfunctioncodequalifier : CF tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metaelements|output|actual|partyfunctioncodequalifiername : Container operator/leese tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metaelements|output|actual|partyfunctioncode : 3035 (CA/CF/HR/MR/MS) tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metaelements|output|actual|partyfunctionname : 3035 (Carrier / Container operator/lessee / hipping line service / Message recipient / Document/message issuer/sender) |
| | | 3039 | Party Identifier | Company Code | tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metaelements|output|actual|output|actual|partyidentifier: MAE tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metaelements|output|actual|output|actual|partyidentifier: 3039 |
| 160 Party identification 172 Carriers | | 1131 | Code list identification code | Kind of Party | tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metaelements|output|actual|codelistidentificationcode : 172 tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metaelements|output|actual|codelistidentificationcodename : Carriers tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metaelements|output|actual|codelistidentificationcode : 3039 (160 / 172) tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metaelements|output|actual|codelistidentificationcodename : 3039 (Carriers / Party identification) |
| 20 BIC (Bureau International des Containeurs) 87 Assigned by carrier 166 US, National Motor Freight Classification Association 184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) SMD SMDG (Shipplanning Message Development Group) ZZZ Mutually defined | | 3055 | Code list responsible agency code | | tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metaelements|output|actual|#qualifier#20|qualifier codelistresponsibleagencycode: 20 tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metaelements|output|actual|#qualifier#20|codelistresponsibleagencyname codelistresponsibleagencycodename: BIC tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metaelements|output|actual|#qualifier#3055|qualifier codelistresponsibleagencycode: 3055 (20 / 87 / 166 / 184 / SMD / ZZZ) tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metaelements|output|actual|#qualifier#3055#|codelistresponsibleagencyname codelistresponsibleagencycodename: 3055 see list (BIC / Assignedbycarrier / US / AU / SMDTemporarycode / Mutuallydefined) |
SMDG does not recommend to use it | C058 | | NAME AND ADDRESS | | |
| | | 3124 | Name and address description | 5 Rows of address description |