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The first step in requirements engineering is the identification of suitable use cases where digital twins can significantly enhance operational efficiency and decision-making. For container terminals which are planning to adhere to TIC standards, this involves examining the current processes and pinpointing areas where digital solutions can provide substantial improvements. The potential functions of a digital twin include:

  • Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of equipment and operations helps maintain high standards of operational efficiency and safety.

  • Reporting: Automated and enhanced reporting capabilities allow for more accurate and timely information dissemination, aiding decision-makers at all levels.

  • Data Analytics: By leveraging data collected from various sources across the terminal, digital twins can offer insights into operations, identifying bottlenecks and opportunities for process optimization.

  • OptimizationSimulation: Digital twins can simulate different operational scenarios to find the most efficient approaches, Complex simulations can test responses to hypothetical situations without risking actual resources, providing a valuable tool for strategic planning and training.

  • Optimization: Digital twins can simulate different operational scenarios to find the most efficient approaches, reducing costs and improving service quality.

  • Predictions: Utilizing historical data, digital twins can forecast future conditions and outcomes, enabling proactive management of resources and better handling of potential disruptions.

  • Reporting: Automated and enhanced reporting capabilities allow for more accurate and timely information dissemination, aiding decision-makers at all levels.

  • Simulation: Complex simulations can test responses to hypothetical situations without risking actual resources, providing a valuable tool for strategic planning and training.

  • Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of equipment and operations helps maintain high standards of operational efficiency and safety.

Each of these functions serves as a foundation for use case ideation. By examining existing challenges within the terminal's operations and considering how these digital twin functions can address them, stakeholders can develop a robust list of potential use cases. This ideation process should involve a diverse group of stakeholders, ensuring that the use cases cover a wide range of needs and opportunities within the terminal environment. But how can the use case be documented?
