TIC4.0 plays a pivotal role in three key work packages: WP2, WP3, and WP5. In all these areas, TIC4.0's main focus is on assessing and providing expertise to develop future operational and technological standards for the adoption of autonomous shipping and automated operations at ship-berth interfaces.
WP2 “Redesign Logistics”
In WP2, TIC4.0's role involves understanding how both TIC4.0 and DCSA standards can contribute to ensuring the interoperability of the various systems interconnected during the arrival phase, cargo operations, and dispatch to the hinterland. This work will be detailed in Deliverable D2.3, which is scheduled for delivery in the project's twentieth month.
WP3 “Enabling autonomous port operations”
For Building Block #1, TIC4.0's contribution primarily involves understanding the key systems that govern terminal operations (TOS), including communication between these systems and the machinery involved, as well as understanding the systems responsible for developing stowage plans for vessels and their interaction with terminals. This contribution will be documented in Deliverable 3.3, titled "Concepts for Improved Port Cargo Handling Through Automated Port Interfaces," with delivery expected at the end of the project.
WP5 “Digitalising logistics operations”
Finally, TIC4.0 has made a minor contribution to the development of Deliverable 5.1, "ModalNET Specifications, Systems Architecture, and Design of Cyber-Secure Communication." This contribution focuses on describing how communications could be managed between the ModalNET platform and the various container terminal operations management systems.
WP5: Digitalizing Logistics Operations
Led by Valenciaport FundationFoundation, Spain (VPF)
The efforts here try to tackle SEAMLESS Building Block #3: Integrated Supply Chain Support (ModalNET). It involves defining requirements for efficient, secure, and resilient data management, developing the architecture for secure communication among physical assets, and introducing a digital collaborative communication framework among various logistics operators. VPF will also develop the ModalNET computational engine for dynamic and synchromodal management.