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This introduction TIC4.0 will provide the metadata from EDI to create Data Value. It offers an overview of how to translate and incorporate EDI data, from any source (EDI message, TOS, or whatever) to a TIC message, register or data lake (centralized data repository).

This introduction gives an overview of the whitepaper from the point of view of the context, goal, use cases, value proposition, EDI structure, methodology and database.


With the integration of EDI data in TIC4.0 a more holistic view of the terminal performance can be archievedachieved. A positive side effect is to set the EDI data in the context of the TIC4.0 which makes them easier to understand. It offers the capability to fuse data with container and vessel operators, on the one hand, and local terminal operations, maintenance, and yard optimization, on the other.TIC4.0 will provide the metadata from EDI to create Data Value. It offers an overview of how to translate and incorporate EDI data, from any source (EDI message, TOS, or whatever) to a TIC message, register or data lake (centralized data repository).


The EDIFACT data will be translated to the TIC4.0 Data standard/model via the provision of definitions, data formats, data models and examples to easily implement the standard.


As you can find the extract below 2005 is the id of the list. 132, 133, 178 and 186 are the allowed values. 

The next example in this line is the 203. This is an entry from the code list 2379. In this case only the value 203 is allowed. 










132 - Arrival date/time, estimated
133 - Departure date/time, estimated
178 -  Arrival date/time, actual
186 - Departure date/time, actual


Date or time or period function code qualifier

Date / Time Information of the Transport

tos|@|carriervisit|@|departure|@|mooring|@|firstline|time|planned|timestamp: 2002-11-13T0917:00.000Z
tos|@|carriervisit|@|departure|@|mooring|@|firstline|time|planned|timestamp: 2380 if 2005=133
tos|@|carriervisit|@|arrival|@|mooring|@|firstline|time|planned|timestamp: 2380 if 2005=132
tos|@|carriervisit|@|arrival|@|mooring|@|firstline|time|actual|timestamp: 2380 if 2005=178
tos|@|carriervisit|@|departure|@|mooring|@|firstline|time|actual|timestamp: 2380 if 2005=186


Date or time or period value

Arrival/departure date/time



Date or time or period format code

COARRI is CCYYMMDDHHMM format ant TIC4.0 is always in ISO8601 format


Allowed values

Translation TIC4.0

132 - Arrival date/time, estimated

tos|@|carriervisit|@|arrival|@mooring|@|firstline|time|planned|timestamp: 2380 if 2005=132

133 - Departure date/time, estimated

tos|@|carriervisit|@|departure|@|mooring|@|firstline|time|planned|timestamp: 2380 if 2005=133

178 -  Arrival date/time, actual

tos|@|carriervisit|@|arrival|@|mooring|@|firstline|time|actual|timestamp: 2380 if 2005=178

186 - Departure date/time, actual

tos|@|carriervisit|@|departure|@|mooring|@|firstline|time|actual|timestamp: 2380 if 2005=186

The component element 2380 holds the date and time: 200211131700.

The component element 2379 holds the format description of the component element 2308: CCYYMMDDHHMM.


Extract from the EXCEL Sheet with the translation of this example:







CA Carrier
CF Container operator/lessee
HR Shipping line service
MR Message recipient
MSDocument/message issuer/sender



tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#20|partyfunctioncode : CF
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#20|partyfunctionname : Container operator/lease
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#3055|partyfunctioncode : 3035
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#3055|partyfunctionname : 3035 (see list)




Party Identifier

Company Code

tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#20|output|actual|value : MAE
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#3055|output|actual|value : 3039

160 Party identification
172 Carriers


Code list identification code

Kind of Party

tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#20|codelistidentificationcode : 172
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#20|codelistidentificationname : Carriers
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#3055codelistidentificationcode : 3039
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#3055codelistidentificationname : 172= Carriers/160 Party identification

20 BIC (Bureau International des Containeurs)
87 Assigned by carrier
166 US, National Motor Freight Classification
184 AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping)
SMD SMDG (Shipplanning Message Development Group)
ZZZ Mutually defined


Code list responsible agency code

tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#20|qualifier : 20
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#20|codelistresponisbleagencyname : BIC
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#3055|qualifier : 3055
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#3055#|codelistresponisbleagencyname : 3055 see list




CF is an entry of the smdg data element 3035 which has a fix list of allowed values:

CA Carrier
CF Container operator/lessee
HR Shipping line service
MR Message recipient
MSDocument/message issuer/sender


tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#3055|partyfunctioncode : 3035
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#3055|partyfunctionname : 3035 (see list)

example: tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#20|partyfunctioncode : CF


This is the smdg data element C082 which holds the party identification details.


tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#20|output|actual|value : MAE
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#3055|output|actual|value : 3039

172 is an entry of list 1131 and describes the kind of the party.


tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#20|codelistidentificationcode : 172
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#20|codelistidentificationname : Carriers
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#3055codelistidentificationcode : 3039
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#3055codelistidentificationname : 172= Carriers/160 Party identification

20 is an entry of the list 3055 and describes the code list standards from which the data values were taken.


tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#20|qualifier : 20
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output.actual|#qualifier#20|codelistresponisbleagencyname : BIC
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#3055|qualifier : 3055
tos|@|cargo|@|responsibleparty|metadata|output|actual|#qualifier#3055#|codelistresponisbleagencyname : 3055 see list


The backend of this code is publicly available at
