Fields | Type | Description | Purpose | ||||
ID (KPIidentifier) | M | nettproductivity | GRAMMAR | ||||
KPIname | M | Nett Productivity | GRAMMAR | ||||
KPItype | M | OperationalPerformance | GRAMMAR | ||||
Applicable to | STS, MHC, RTGs, TT, Anything (any subject) that loads/discharge/move cargo | ||||||
Also known as | O | lifts per hour, performance, (crane) productivity, units per hour, crane throughput | TIC Description | ||||
Definition | M | Average number of cargo (box) per unit of time (hour) moved by a subject (STS) | TIC Description | ||||
Further Detail | O | By default, the “productivity” refers to the nett performance of a subject to move cargo, with the cargo unit box, the time unit hour and the subject “STS”. The defined time in this KPI is the time the subject has been available for work. Average Moves (box per hour) Datapoints (default): tos|@|jobinstruction|@|order|delivermove|counter|output|actual|box tos|@|che|@|available|timer|actual|output|actual|#unit#hour|value Operator: SUM(tos|@|jobinstruction|@|order|delivermove|counter|output|actual|box) / SUM(tos|@|che|@|available|timer|actual|output|actual|#unit#hour|value) Unit: box/hour, TEU/hour, cycle/hourKPI Elements: Timeframe: 2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z - 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z Filter: che|@|type: STS Split: by “shift” Bucket: ie per CHE; hour, per day, per month, per year#################################################### | TIC Description | ||||
Required Information | M | tos|@|jobinstruction|@|order|deliver|counter|output|actual|box vs che|@|cycle|@|move|counter|output|actual|box tos|@|che|@|available|timer|actual|output|actual|#unit#hour|value Nowadays productivity normally is measured through the confirmed “deliver” units done by a subject (usually a CHE) through the TOS. The systems are not registring the real moves done only the process wise confirmed moves. For next meeting discussions (Today: April 12nd 2024) Gross crane productivity: Number of boxes (standard box + hatch cover moves) / difference between first and last move Standard move: A standard box movement Hatch cover move: Place hold of the hatch on the vessel. Counts as two moves. Might or might not be invoiceable depending on the terminal | TIC Description | Required Information | M | che|@|cycle|@|move|counter|output|actual|box che|@|on|timer|actual|output|actual|#unit#hour|value Timeframe | TIC Description |
SUBJECT | STS, MHC, Anything the loads/discharge conteinerized cargo on a Vessel | ||||||
CONCEPT | |||||||
Value | box/hour; TEU/hour | ||||||
Related standards | O | TIC Description | |||||
Related TIC 4.0 definition | O | Move Cargo 2021.003 Deliver CHE | TIC Description | ||||
Example | M | Average Moves ( box per hour ) year 2023 bucket per hour, split per cycle shift and filter by che name STS01 | TIC Description | ||||
Example in the context of the grammar | M | Timeframe: 2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z - 2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z Datapoints: chetos|@|cyclejobinstruction|@|order|move|counter|output|actual|box = 538 tos|@|che|@|onavailable|timer|actual|output|actual|#unit#hour#unit#hour|value = 23.0 Operator: (SUM(chetos|@|cyclejobinstruction|@|order|move|counter|output|actual|box)) / (SUM(tos|@|che|@|onavailable|timer|actual|output|actual|#unit#second#unit#hour|value)) Filter: che|@|name: STS01 Split: by che|@|cycleshift Bucket: per day of the week; per hour Average Moves (box per hour) = 23.4 | TIC Description | Example in the context of the grammar | M | See below | TIC Description |
Search tags | M | crane productivity, move/box per hour, GMPH, NMPH, throughput, terminal throughput, TEU throughput, | Technical | ||||
Version / Date | M | 20240412 | Technical | ||||
Internal TIC Version | M | R0.1 | Technical |