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Comentarios: diagram "tech clarification.drawio" edited



Both principles will be explained, then an overview of the outline of technical specifications in the light of TIC4.0 is given, before this guideline becomes quite technical and dives deep into definitions and some background explanation. Among others a proposed architecture to achieve “CHE talks TIC” is illustrated. At the end of the document the definition of the Content Level is detailed first in an example ….concept applied… also for spreader. Then Excel spreadsheet as well as PDFs.

The required definitions and background ideas will be explained first, the main points that need to be agreed upon are explained, illustrations of a possible system architecture are given and based on the CHE Data Model 2022.005 an example is given on how the two main dimensions “Content Level” and “Level of Data Provision” should be clustered to gain mutual understanding.

Therefore, this document describes the “Content Level” and the “Level of Data Provision” and concepts with a view towards including TIC4.0 in technical specifications. It is independent of the current data level supported by the CHE, an actual implementation or the direction of data flow.

High-Level description of technical clarification process
